Honors World Literature Week 31 Do Nows
Monday, April 13 th, 2015 Complete Lesson 8A If you are done early, write a sonnet, using iambic pentameter, explaining your spring break
Objectives SWBAT review grammar packet SWBAT read and interpret Book 10 of The Odyssey
Trade & Grade Grammar Packets
Your Assignment/ portfolio Read the assignment sheet and take note of important dates
CW/HW:Book 10 Group Read: Assignment: Identify the tone of this book. Jot down examples of words used to create the tone of this book.
Do Now: Tuesday, April 14 th, 2015 SSR 15 minutes
Objectives SWBAT successfully show mastery of Q4 grammar skills SWBAT determine the tone of Book 10 SWBAT read and understand Book 13 of The Odyssey
Chapter 10 Review Timed writing: Using yesterday and last night’s homework. Write a response to the following prompt. What is the tone of Book 10. How does Homer emphasize this tone?
Trade & Grade
Grammar Practice 18 minutes 30 questions
Homework Identify symbolism within the text.
Do Now: Wednesday, April 15 th, 2015 Complete 8B in vocabulary books.
Objectives SWBAT practice EPIC Writing
What are the components of an EPIC? Talk with a partner about the answer to this question. Be ready to share.
Epic Outline Complete the Character Outline for your Epic. Due tomorrow.
Do Now: Thursday, April 16 th, 2015 SSR 15 minutes
Objectives SWBAT closely observe a familiar object and use imagery and figurative language to describe it.
What is imagery? Quick write: Carefully and thoroughly describe an orange WITHOUT using the words "round" or "orange." Next, Students exchange descriptions with a partner. Each student carefully reads partner's description, then accurately draws the object exactly as his/her partner has described it. Have students label the drawings with direct quotes from their partners descriptions (to keep them honest).
Continued… Ask students to share their partner's description (not their own) if they found it especially insightful, creative, ridiculous, or impossible to draw. Share your partner’s description. How did you feel about their description?
Instead of working from memory, you are now gong to write from close observation. Using an orange, describe to someone who has never encountered an orange how to mentally see, smell, taste, touch-and maybe even hear-one by reading your description. You will be spending the rest of this class period observing and describing your orange, so take your time. Be thorough. Be original. Be amazing. Description should be in the form of a haiku.
Homework Study for Vocabulary Quiz
Do Now: Friday, April 17 th, 2015 Clear your desk.
Objectives SWBAT show mastery of Lesson 8 in Vocabulary Workbook SWBAT continue work on Epic
Vocabulary Quiz 15 minutes
Antagonist Outline Complete at a level 1 Due Monday, April 20 th, 2015
Homework Read Book 13 of the Odyssey and answer discussion questions