River Valley League Sportsmanship Symposium October 14, 2014 Norte Vista High School
Sportsmanship Symposium Tuesday, October 14, 2014 Norte Vista High School 8:30- 9:00Arrival/ Registration 9:00-9:05Welcome and Introduction of League AD’s 9:05-9:40Key Note Speaker - Jake Marisnick- Houston Astros Pep Fernandez: HSGametime 9:40- 10:30Six Pillars of Character- Powerpoint Presentation-River Valley League AD’s Video Clips- “The Homerun” and other sportsmanship examples. 10:20-10:30 Move to Break out Areas for Discussion of Sportsmanship in small groups 10:30-11:20*Groups will discuss the expectation for sportsmanship in the River Valley League for athletes, coaches, parents, students, community. *Groups will examine Sportsmanship Scenerios- 11:20-11:40Report to gym and report back to the whole group Gym 11:40-11:50Debrief with your own school 11:50-12:30Closing/Lunch
conduct (as fairness, respect for one's opponent, and graciousness in winning or losing) becoming to one participating in a sport sport
Trustworthy Respectful Responsible Fair Caring Citizenship
Be Honest Don’t deceive, cheat, or steal Be reliable Do what you say you will do Have the courage to do the right thing Build a good reputation Stand by your friends, family and country
Follow the Golden Rule- “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” Be tolerant of differences Treat others with respect Use good manners- avoid bad language Be considerate of the feelings of others Deal peacefully with anger, insults and disagreements
Do what you are supposed to do Persevere- keep on trying! Always give your best effort! Be self-disciplined, Use self-control Think before you act-consider the consequences Be accountable for your choices
Play by the rules Take turns and share Be open-minded Listen to others Don’t take advantage of others Don’t blame others carelessly
Be kind Be compassionate and show you care Express gratitude Forgive others Help people in need
Do your share to make your school and community better Cooperate Protect the environment Get involved in community affairs Stay informed Be a good neighbor Obey laws and rules Respect authority