Chapter 10.1 Rise of The Frankish Empire Read Chapter 10.1 Cornell Notes Ch. 10.1 Daily Quiz Read Charlemagne Article & Questions Bell Work-Leadership Qualities Class Notes: Charlemagne Chart Clovis & Pepin II Video Notes: Barbarians The Vikings Invasion Map 1-5 Objective Review
What are the qualities that make a good leader? bellwork What are the qualities that make a good leader? 5 minutes
10.1 : Objective 1 Clovis: Establish the Frankish Kingdom Converted to Christianity during a battle. Gained favor from the Roman Catholic Church. Clovis’s kingdom stretched from the Pyrenees in the southwest to Germany (modern day France & West Germany)
Charlemagne Article Questions: Objective 2 Charlemagne Article Questions: A) According to Einhard, what kind of man was Charlemagne? B) What tings mentioned in this document make Charlemagne appear to be an intellectual person? C) Why do you think Einhard tells us so much about Charlemagne's education? D) List some ways that Charlemagne was directly involved with the catholic church. E) What type of father was Charlemagne? F) How would you account for the fact that Einhard’s description of Pope Leo’s injuries is not historically accurate? G) What other information about life, customs, and values of the upper class in the Frankish court is revealed in the excerpts of Einhard’s work.
Charlemagne, King of the Franks Charles The Man The Administrator The Conqueror The Patron of Learning Was athletic, well-spoken, and charismatic Delegated authority to loyal nobles Was an aggressive warrior Revived classical studies Married four times, 9 kids Retained local laws of conquered areas Strengthened the Frankish military Preserved Latin culture Understood Greek, spoke Latin, but possibly could not write Divided Kingdom into districts Expanded and consolidated the Frankish kingdom Established monastic and palace schools. Left the empire to his surviving children. Used Missi Dominici (messenger of the lord king) to inspect and report back on provinces
Objective Review Target 10.1-Rise of the Franks SWBAT: Explain the importance of Frankish rulers on the development on Western Civilization. Objective 1-Explain the importance of Clovis & Pepin the Short Objective 2-Explain the importance of Charlemagne to Western Culture. Objective 3- Explain how Vikings impacted Europe.