WH CH 4 Created by Todd Jenkins
PeoplePlaces ThingsTermsPotpourri 100 Main Screen
A1 100 I leader of Russia killed my own son in a fit of mental illness
200 A2 I am “The Great” leader of Russia who brought Westernization to Russia under cloak.
300 A3 My goal was to limit the power of the nobles and the Huguenots in early 1600 France
400 A4 I was the first European Monarch to be tried and executed by the people of England after our civil war.
500 I was a French Protestant nobleman, who became king after converting to Catholicism and escaping “The Saint Bartholomew’s Day Massacre.” A5
I, King Louis VX of France, built this elaborate palace at the edge of Paris. B1 100
200 Fleet assembled by Philip’s navy in this country. B2
300 The Petition of Right limited the Kings power in this country. B3
400 A treaty was signed in this city that ended the Thirty Years’ War B4
500 This war was fought to prevent France and Spain from being succeeded by members of the same family. B5
100 Absolute monarchs argued that their power must not be challenged because God Says so is called this? C1
200 This war was a lengthy religious war between Protestants and Catholics C2
300 This was a shorter war that was between Austria and Prussia C3
400 In 1598, this compromise gave certain rights to Huguenots as a way to restore peace in France by Henry IV. C4
500 This was the name given to the transfer of power from un-glorious King James of England to revolve power to daughter and husband, William and Mary. C5
100 A rulers whose power is not limited by having to consult with nobles, the people or representatives is called D1
200 Beginning with Ivan the Terrible, absolute monarchs in Russia were known as D2
300 Name given to a French Protestant in the 1500’s D3
400 The landowner elite (boo- yah) who had power in 1500 Russia usually portraying conservative views was called this. D4
500 These people (usually Calvinist) wanted to reform and purify the Church of England. D5
100 Formerly Leningrad, I am a Russian city named after “Peter the Great” E1
200 The bringing of elements from western countries to Eastern countries was called this. E2
300 Famous in Spain for his elongated human traits, El Greco was this by trade? E3
400 England’s lawmaking body or legislative body is called this. E4
500 I, a roundhead, led the English government after the execution of Charles I in England E5
Daily double
Daily Double
Final Jeopardy Social classes
List the specific names of the four classes of the Aryan society in order of high to low