Leadership Development Timeline BY: EBONY MONROE
Captain During the time in middle school that I was a cheerleader captain, , helped shaped my leadership identity and being a difference maker. I remember we had a cheerleading competition and one of the girls on the team was feeling nervous. I was there to encourage her and let her know that she was going to do great, and told her a time how I was nervous and I had a great performance, and I think just saying that, and giving my own personal story motivated her and she had a great performance, I was a great leader and made a difference. Also when it came to practices, I was very dedicated and made sure everyone was focused and that we got things done. Although I could be strict, I also knew when to lighten up and just enjoy ourselves. Leading: -being able to relate and build a relationship with the people you’re leading -knowing when it is time to be serious and focused but also having times when not to be; being mean and also being nice
Continued… In highschool during the years of , I was a drillteam and stepteam captain. I think during this time and being captain I had times where I was a great leader and when I wasn’t. For example, although we weren’t supposed to be on the phone during practice, I would sneak and get on my phone, which is not being a good leader. The team is supposed to follow how I am, and doing what we weren’t supposed to be do, was times when I was not being a good leader. The coach would have to tell me to stop when she saw me or when I sat down and was supposed to be standing up, and I caught myself getting mad when other people on the team was doing that and I realized that it was probably because they saw me doing it. This has taught me that a good leader should always do the right thing, because people are following me and looking up to me, and if I want to have an great team following me I have to do what I want them to do.
Coach My drillteam coach in highschool, , is both an example of how to and how not to be as a leader. She was a great leader in the sense of being strict on us, working us hard, and making sure we stayed focused and did great on the routines. By her being strict on us, made a difference because we won many competitions, for example, step and etc. She wasn’t such a good leader in the sense that she would show favoritism and didn’t always lead by example. Her personal life and attitude didn’t always reflect the type of person we should be, being that although she was our drillteam coach, she was still somebody that we should be able to look up to and follow, and based off that, we weren’t able to. Leading: -have to be the person that you want your followers to be
Bishop Dixon The late Bishop Dixon at my church, where I have been a member between 10 and 15 years, who passed in 2012, is a great example of a good leader and difference maker. In this case, he was the leader of the church and he showed me that to be both of those things, your life has to be a reflection of how you are telling the people you’re leading to live. If your life isn’t a reflection of what you preach why would people want to follow and listen to you. Also he showed me that you have to be available when people need you and your insights, henceforth, making a difference in people’s lives and the world. Leading: -you can’t tell or suggest to people how to do certain things but you’re not doing it yourself -you can’t be a leader but not be there when people need you or need directions
Trainer More recently, , I have not been at my job for an extremely, extremely long time, and have already had chances to show off my leadership skills from my boss asking me to train people to do certain tasks, or when I have volunteered. I have taught them the right way to do the task(s) efficiently and to the best of their ability. Instead of just telling them what to do, I also showed them, and was an example for them to look to. This allowed them to be able to see and learn by watching, and when they messed up I explained to them how to fix it, or improve and showed them more until they got it. Leading: -being a good leader I feel involves being a teacher as well, and doing it with them, not just telling people what to do.
Mother My mom has always been a leader to myself, her own kids and family, other people, and her students at school, being that she is a teacher. My mom has also been and in and involved in other leadership activities, such as being in and being the secretary for the church choir, and also being a bible school, and Sunday school teacher, and many, many more. Observing her in both the classroom, with different grade levels, and church setting I can see great leadership skills in her and see her as being a difference maker. She leads by example especially to her students, and is there to help them and others, for example, other teachers when asked or voluntarily. She motivates her students and shows what is right and wrong to do, in a way that each student and person can understand. She is very dedicated, hardworking, passionate, and is a people-person. She is very friendly, kind, and patient, but at the same time, she can also be tough and give discipline when needed, all great qualities of a leader and a difference maker.