Why My Explorer went Exploring By Hailey Chisholm, Alex Nader and Malia Warren
Who My Explorer is Our explorer is Louis Jolliet.He was born in 1645 and his death was 1700.He was born in Quebec and he died in Quebec.In his early life his father died.During his childhood Quebec was a center of business for the French trade.In his early years his mom got remarried.He knew a lot about Native Americans.When he was younger he learned to talk different languages.
What my Explorer did He studied writing, mathematics, and Latin.He also was a musician who played the harpsichord, the flute, and trumpet.He wanted to explore because Marquette wanted him too.He began to study Jesuit.He founded the Mississippi River. Louis Jolliet drew and worked on Maps Louis Jolliet traded goods with the Native Americans. Louis Jolliet was a Canadian explorer.
Where My Explorer Went Louis Jolliet traveld with Indians. He traveld with his brother at the 3 rivers. His brothers found copper. He also went on a lot of other adventers. He went down the Mississippi river with Marqette in 1673. He started at sait Igrace and ended at the Mississippi river. He explored a lot os rivers like the Fox river and mostly traveled south by the rivers.
When My Explorer Explored When He was 17 years old Jolliet began studing to become Jesuit priest. In 1668 Jolliet set out to join brothers who were succsessful fur traders at 5 rivers. In 1669 the french lieuteacht governer asked Louies brother to search for copper near by Lake Superier. In 1672 Jean Bastise french lieatenant governer chose Louis Jolliet to lead the expedition to search for copper for the Mississippi river. On December 8, 1672 Louis arrived at the mission at sait Igrance. On May 17, 1673 Father Margette and Louis Jolliet and Satha men left sait Ignace in two canoes made from the bark of birch trees. On June 7 the maskout tribe welcomed the expedion.
Why My Explorer Explored He was famus because he founded the Mississippi river. He explored because he wanted to find land. He wanted to find the Mississippi river. Louis Jolliet hoped that the river would lead to the Pasific Ocean. He knew a lot about the Native Americans He founded the Mississippi river because he explored around the world.
How He Got Along With The Native Americans Louis Jolliet spoke well with the Native Americans and knew sevrel languages. He learned about the Native Americans. He traded supplies with the Native Americans. The French traded goods with the Native Americans. He grew up knowing a lotm about them. In France the Native Americans told story's of a great river called the Mississippi. During the first few weeks the expedition came across many friendly Native Americans. In June the meponiminee tribe warned them about unfriendly Native Ameriicans who lived along the river. The expedition saw Native Americans shouting whille waving bows and hatchets. Father Marquette stood up in the cannoe to motain the Native Americans