Anglo American settlement How is different than previous Spanish settlement attempts? How does it affect Spanish governance of Texas? How does it affect Texas?
Vocabulary Anglo American: Typically, non- Hispanic, US citizens whose ancestors had moved to the US from European countries Immigrant: person who settles in a new country Empresario: a person who makes arrangement to bring settlers to a colony; like a travel agent / land developer Recruit: to persuade someone to join a group Filibuster: person who engages in a private rebellious activity in a foreign country; a rebel
Vocab Compromise: mutual agreement in which each side gives up something in order to reach a settlement Neutral: not belonging to one side or another Republic: nation or state in which people elect representatives to govern them Tejano: person from Mexican descent who lives in Texas Cede: to surrender by treaty or agreement
Spanish Settlement of Texas 1519 de Pinda 1528 de Vaca…1st Spaniard to set foot 1528 – 1690…settlement via exploration and… to support exploration 1690 – 1800…Mission system…establish a presence & develop productive Spanish citizens…largely a failure…not many want to go solely to promote Christianity.
Louisiana Purchase 1803 US bought land from France as part of the Louisiana Purchase (1803) Now US and Spain share the border between Louisiana and Spanish Texas Growing interest in US for Texas land. US proximity = greater pressure on Spanish rule
The Neutral Ground Agreement Map Nobody’s responsible = devolves into chaos
The Adams-Onis Treaty Background: 1817, US General Andrew Jackson chased some Indians into Spanish Florida…this created conflict between US & Spain. Also conflict with US claims of land in Texas. Resolve conflict w/treaty called the Adams-Onis Treaty (1819) Terms of Treaty Spain ceded Florida to US and agreed that Sabine River would be boundary between Spanish Texas and Louisiana and Red River as northern boundary US agreed to not let people stake land claims west of Sabine River…this made Americans mad because they wanted to go west But….People ignored treaty and took land in Texas away from Spain
The Adams-Onis Treaty
Anglo Americans begin Moving West After American Revolution 1776, many Anglo Americans (most were from England) wanted a new life…many wanted to move west even though Spain controlled much of the west. Spain didn’t want US to claim any land west of Mississippi River but many settlers from US had already moved to Spanish owned lands. Spain concerned so many Americans were moving into Spanish land that Anglo Americans would outnumber Spanish settles.
Spanish reaction… control Immigration! Spain wanted to control number of immigrants by allowing Anglo Americans settle in Missouri if: They pledged their loyalty to Spain They became Catholic Reasons for doing this: Populate area to extend Spanish rule. Hoped new settlers (who agreed to conditions above) would keep other Anglo Americans from coming into territory illegally. Buffer zone between Native Americans and New Spain
Spain changes tactics…attempts to control immigration 1788 - Spain authorizes 1st Empresario to recruit settlers from US to Missouri in a structured manner. George Morgan He took responsibility for settlers. Founded the town of New Madrid on Mississippi River (what is now Missouri) His example as an Empresario set example for Empresarios who would come later…..Although there would be a delay before other Empresarios begin to bring settlers…1820 Austin granted permission.
(allegiance to Spain; become Catholics) In the absence of structure…Filibusters arrive Philip Nolan in Texas 1800 Some Texas settlers, known as filibusters did not like the Spanish settlement requirements. (allegiance to Spain; become Catholics) First filibuster to come to Texas: Philip Nolan Led men into Texas to capture wild horses…sold them for profit in US At first, he had permission from Spain to do this but later was accused of trying to take Texas from Spain…Spain perceives filibusters as a threat. Warned not to come back into Texas or would be arrested. Nolan came back to Texas anyway with group of men Had battle with Spanish soldiers near Waco Nolan was killed…men were taken as to Mexican prison
More Filibusters Gutierrez de Lara - Magee Expedition 1812 Augustus Magee resigned from US Army. He met Bernardo Gutierrez de Lara. Started the Republic of the North (Republican Army of the North)…wanted to free Texas! Their army was made up of Tejanos, Native Texans, Anglo Americans, and volunteers. They arrived in Nacogdoches in 1812…proclaimed Texas free from Spain! Moved on to Goliad (La Bahia) to free it but Magee was killed. They were defeated by Spanish General Joaquin de Arredondo in 1813 Battle was near Medina River (15 miles from San Antonio) Battle of Medina
Gutierrez de Lara - Magee Expedition IMPACT? Even though they were finally defeated at Battle of Medina, it encouraged others to try to free Texas and Mexico from Spain
The Last Filibuster The Long Expedition June, 1819: Doctor James Long led a group of people from Natches, Mississippi to Nacogdoches…he then declared Texas independent from Spain Long wanted Jean Lafitte to help the Texans fight help to free Galveston but Lafitte refused. So Long went back to Natches, MS and get more men for an expedition to La Bahia (Goliad). Spanish troops forced Long and his 2nd group of men to surrender. Long was sent to Mexico City and was shot by a prison guard. This was the last major filibuster in Texas
Nolan / de Lara - Magee / Long Filibusters Nolan / de Lara - Magee / Long All include direct armed battles with Spanish forces. Filibusters failed to make Texas free from Spain…but, their activities encouraged people to move to Texas.
Anglo American settlement How is different than previous settlement attempts? How does it affect Spanish governance of Texas? How does it affect Texas?