Determining True Heading Flight Draw line from departure airport to destination airport (Green Arrow) Place plotter on line of longitude (yellow arrow) Read true heading from right to left on inner scale (Red Arrow) Flight Planning Determining True Heading
Speed, Distance, and Time Computations Speed = Distance / Time (divided by) Distance = Speed x Time (multiplied by) Time = Distance / Speed (divided by)
Time and Fuel Big Arrow divides by 60 Big Arrow on Groundspeed of 106 mph Read time on inner scale Distance is 60 miles 33.5 min
Fuel Computations Fuel Burned = Fuel consumption rate x time Time (available) = Fuel to burn /Fuel consumption rate (divided by) Fuel consumption rate = Fuel burned / time (divided by)
Fuel use Big Arrow on fuel flow (12 gallons per hour) Read gallons used on outer scale opposite minutes (6.6gph)
Math & the Flight Simulator TC True Course WCA Wind Correction Angle TH True Heading Var Variation (Isogonic Lines) MH Magnetic Heading DEV Located on Compass CH Course Heading
Determining Wind Correction Angle Winds 270 at 20 mph Place wind direction under true index Mark wind velocity up from the center. (I used 100 and placed the wind dot on 120)
Figuring True Heading Place true course under true index True Course (315)= - L (7) or + Right Wind Correction Angle = True Heading (308)
Ground Speed Place True Course (315)under true index Read Ground speed under gourmet Groundspeed is 106
Figuring Course Heading Magnetic Heading (314) Magnetic Heading Plus or minus deviation = course heading. Deviation is a chart on the compass in the airplane we used zero as the deviation We would fly 314 from Pickway to Grimes