Instructional Plan Template | Slide 1 AET/515 Instructional Plan Template (Kristy Cotton)
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 2 Needs Assessment 1.What is the learning problem or opportunity? The learning need is Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) 2.What is currently available? Class that are not apart of the medical field 3.What should be available? Classes that will help students go into the medical field whether it be EMT or nursing. 4.Explain the gap analysis between what is available and what should be available. The only classes offered that could be used are sciences classes, but nothing to do with the human body 5.What is your recommended solution for filling the gap? I recommend adding classes about the human body to the science classes and offer courses for students who would like to go into the medical field
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 3 Instructional Goal Provide students with courses designed to help learn basic functions and structures of the human body and to know when to make basic decisions about emergency pre-hospital patient care.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 4 Performance-Based Objectives When given a picture of the human body, the students will be able to identify all body parts listed on the human body. At the end of this instructional plan the students will be able recall important information and provide hands on care for patients who are in need of emergency care.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 5 Summative Assessment and Learning Outcomes Diagrams of human body Field Lessons and Lab (Hands-on care in a pre-hospital or hospital setting) Multiple Choice test Patient simulators
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 6 Learner Characteristics A college class for EMT with 9 men and 11 women ages ranging from Test scores for the class range from 30% below average and 60% above average in true/false, multiple choice, and essay. Majority of the students are visual learners. Prerequisites: CPR and First Aid, Biology Provide students with visual aid and hands-on materials for students so they can be successful in the classroom.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 7 The instructional setting will be three days a week in classroom for lecture and tests. The other two days will be reserved for lab and field lessons. The application setting will be split up between classroom and online. Tests will be taken in the classroom along with some in classroom work and group work, other homework and reinforcement practice will be done online. While developing this instructional plan information on each course will show a description of the course as well as where the class will take place. Field lessons will be shown depending on when the lessons are scheduled. Learning Context
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 8 Delivery Modality The major modality would be a instructor-led face to face course with the use of the virtual web healthcare software program. Students will also have access to Web-based tutorials as well as field lessons in order to understand the depth of being an EMT.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 9 Instructional Strategies The overall plan is to instruct the learners on the human body and how and what EMT workers do. The course will also teach the learners the foundations of being an EMT(Emergency Medical Technician) This course will use lectures, homework, reading assignments, and group work and quizzes and tests. The learners need to be able to show their understanding of the history of the medical field and EMT workers through field lessons, essay and multiple choice questions. The learners will also have to show they know the parts of the human body through patient simulators. This will occur throughout the program on a weekly basis as well as have provided support from EMT workers around the city.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 10 Plan for Implementation It is estimated that it will take about 6 months to a year to get the course design done and ready for the classroom. This includes obtaining the contract with the medical company for the patient simulators and also the off duty EMT workers will help with the learners in the course. The delivery will be designed for a regular semester of 16 weeks face to face or online or 110 hours whichever one comes first. The course can be adapted for a fast track 6 or 8 week course in either modality. The classroom would be designed for a 5 day a week meeting for a hour and thirty minute session. The classroom would be 3 days a week for face to face sessions and 2 days a week will be for lab and patient simulators. The online classroom would have a minimum requirement of posting online 4 out of 7 days a week in their discussion forum to discussion and to peers.
Plan for Implementation-Continued Individuals and materials involved: Facilitator handbook, textbook, software program for patient simulators, inflatable dolls, EMT experts, lesson plans, quizzes, exams and answer keys, KWL charts, beginning and end program assessments, syllabus. Emergency care equipment and supplies, Educational aids (flip chart, projection, screens, film, video, slides), study guides, reference books, children and adult dummies for students to work on. The plan will first be sent to the Course Coordinator t to look over to ensure all parts of the curriculum has been met. Then it would be brought to the Program Director for approval and then to Course Medical Director. Next it would go the chain of command for the board to approve and move forward for funding the design the course. After the plan has gone through the chain of command the department will let me know when I am allowed to begin the instructional design phase and contact the software program and patient simulator office at the hospital for negotiation of the contract Instructional Plan Template | Slide 11
Plan for Implementation-Continued After already completing the needs assessment and sold the idea received funding the course can now come together. To ensure the interest of the course I would speak with the two major hospitals and EMSA offices about the EMT workers and find out what they think about the program. It is possible to talk with other colleges within the city that do not offer the EMT program to see if they would be interested in getting the program at their college. The time of the instruction implemented in the classroom would be 6 months to a year from when everything is approved and the funds have been received to design and implement the courses. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 12
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 13 Instructional Resources Whiteboards Computer/Laptops Internet access in classroom Online classroom access (for online classroom) Projector Patient Simulator Software and license agreement Child and Adult Dummies to work/practice on
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 14 Formative Assessment Homework, Quizzes, & Test (easiest form of information to collect or analyze student’s learning) Q & A Sessions (start lessons with 5 minute session of key words and concepts from the previous day) One-Minute Papers (provide students with an open-ended question and give them one to three minutes to write the answer. Questioning with Whiteboards (every learner gets a chance to write answers at the same time each answer which maybe different. Gives teacher opportunity to quickly see what students are grasping the concepts Anecdotal Records (ongoing observations, teachers jot down notes as to how students are processing information)
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 15 Use qualitative data of student completion to measure where students have improved. Conduct follow-up measures with faculty and administrators with regard on the significance of course materials. Provide surveys to students to find out how they felt about the effectiveness of applying course materials to everyday life. Evaluation Strategies
Outcome Review Strongly Disagree 1 Disagree 2 Sometimes 3 Agree 4 Strongly Agree 5 Score Criteria 1 Students competence matches with instructional goal Description reflecting beginning level performance Description reflecting movement toward mastery level performance Description reflecting achievement of mastery level of performance Description moving toward highest level of performance Description reflecting highest level of performance 3 Criteria 2 Students will be able to follow techniques when understanding feedback information Description reflecting beginning level performance Description reflecting movement toward mastery level performance Description reflecting achievement of mastery level of performance Description reflecting highest level of performance 4 Criteria 3 Students are showing their ability to perform tasks set within the course materials. Description reflecting beginning level performance Description reflecting movement toward mastery level performance Description reflecting achievement of mastery level of performance Description reflecting highest level of performance 4 Criteria 4 Students are openly participating in group classroom activities and discussions. Description reflecting beginning level performance Description reflecting movement toward mastery level performance Description reflecting achievement of mastery level of performance Description reflecting highest level of performance 4 Instructional Plan Template | Slide 16
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 17 Recommendations The outcome reviewed showed that the students are beginning to understand and comprehend the materials provided for them on average. As we reflect on students academic level is still shows possible that course materials and training coincide with the instructional goals and performance objectives. My recommendations are as follows: Apply and provide problem based activities Continue to encourage group and classroom discussion and activities Provide more instructor/student feedback Provide more opportunities for lab/instructor availability.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 18 References Brown, A., & Green, T.D. (2006). The essentials of instructional design: Connecting fundamental principles with process and practice. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Emergency medical technician-basic: National Standard Curriculum (2011). Retrieved from Formative assessment strategies (2011). Retrieved from sess_strat.pdf sess_strat.pdf McLeod, S (2008). Likert scale. Retrieved from Strategies & formative assessments (2011). Coach Resources Retrieved from assessment/q--a-session assessment/q--a-session Tulsa Technology Center (2012) retrieved from