9/5/2011 The City School Senior Boys N.Naz Action Plan Prepared by ShahlaTazeen Grade : Senior I
9/5/2011 The City School Senior Boys N.Naz Environment of Pakistan Secondary and Tertiary Industries
9/5/2011 The City School Senior Boys N.Naz INDEX ► Long Term Goal Long Term Goal Long Term Goal ► Short Term Goal Short Term Goal Short Term Goal ► Revised Blooms Taxonomy Revised Blooms Taxonomy Revised Blooms Taxonomy ► Skills required for 21 st century Skills required for 21 st century Skills required for 21 st century ► Application of 21 st century skills Application of 21 st century skills Application of 21 st century skills ► Time Line for Pak Studies e Line for Pak Studiese Line for Pak Studies ► Subject wise TimeLine Subject wise TimeLine Subject wise TimeLine ► Instructional strategies and Task Instructional strategies and Task Instructional strategies and Task ► Challenges and Solutions Challenges and Solutions Challenges and Solutions ► Resources Resources ► Acknowledgement Acknowledgement ► Conclusion Conclusion ► Quotation by J.F.Kennedy Quotation by J.F.Kennedy Quotation by J.F.Kennedy ► Thank you Thank you Thank you
9/5/2011 The City School Senior Boys N.Naz Long Term Goal ► Adopt 21st century teaching approaches to enhance analytical/exploring skills in students and make them constructive learners so they can meet the challenges of 21 st century. index
9/5/2011 The City School Senior Boys N.Naz Short Term Goals Use different strategies for questioning to promote higher order thinking in students. Promote the interactive cycle by assigning them different types of project and task. Focus on the analytical skills to get answers according to CIE level. Motivate students to use Multimedia to improve exploring skills in Geography. Promote learning about facts and figures to enhance their evaluating skills. Index
9/5/2011 The City School Senior Boys N.Naz TIME LINE FOR PAKISTAN STUDIES TopicsMonths AugSeptOctNov WEEKS Industries Trade Transport & Communication Revision index
9/5/2011 The City School Senior Boys N.Naz Subject wise Timeline INDUSTRIES TopicDAYS Brain storming of the topic Explanation of the topic Work sheet will be given Differentiating between different types of industries Final project Cottage Industries REMEMBERING UNDERSTANDING APPLYING ANALYZING and EVALUATING CREATING index
9/5/2011 The City School Senior Boys N.Naz Skills required for 21 st century ► Accountability and adaptability skills. ► Communication skills ► Exploring and analyzing skills. ► Information and media skills ► Synthesizing skills ► Self direction and social responsibility skills. index
9/5/2011 The City School Senior Boys N.Naz Revised Blooms Taxonomy index
9/5/2011 The City School Senior Boys N.Naz Application of 21 st century skills ApproachesSkills Demonstration of different types of pictures of industries followed by Group discussion research skills Students will give presentations on different types of industries Communication skills Students will be taken to a field trip to visit a factory Exploring skills Students will be able to summarize the searched information Synthesizing skills Index
9/5/2011 The City School Senior Boys N.Naz Instructional Strategies & Task Remembering Verbal Questions will be asked to check the previous knowledge of the students Understanding Students will be shown a movie on tertiary Industries movie movie Applying Students will be able to identify different types of Industries in a given worksheet worksheet Analyzing Students will be able to categorize different types of industries a Quiz will be taken Quiz Evaluating Students will be able to check and sum up their answers. students will be assigned a task for Project work (example of a Project Work) assigned a task for Project workProject Workassigned a task for Project workProject Work Creating Students will be able to conclude and generate a clear picture of inputs, processes and outputs of different industries and sectoral employment Note: Students will be tested through worksheet, presentation, project work and marked on sheet. marked marked LOT HOT index
9/5/2011 The City School Senior Boys N.Naz ChallengesSolutions Unseen Holidays Extra Classes objection Informed Parents through Head’s permission before their objection. Field Trips are rarely possible due to uncertain situations Plan to take the students to nearby industries. Availability of multimedia Requisitions will be made in advance index
9/5/2011 The City School Senior Boys N.Naz
9/5/2011 The City School Senior Boys N.Naz Project work Task Assigned to the students Collect information and statistics from the internet on number of people working in the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors and plot a pie graph or a bar graph on sectoral employment on the spreadsheet Instructional strategy
9/5/2011 The City School Senior Boys N.Naz
9/5/2011 The City School Senior Boys N.Naz
9/5/2011 The City School Senior Boys N.Naz Students performance chart
9/5/2011 The City School Senior Boys N.Naz Resources ► M-S Excel ► M-S Word ► M-S Power Point & Movie Maker ► Information & Computer Technology ► Multi Media ► Websites ► Environment of Pakistan by Huma Naz index
9/5/2011 The City School Senior Boys N.Naz
9/5/2011 The City School Senior Boys N.Naz Conclusion ► I expect that students will be able to differentiate between different types of industries and would be able to know the purpose of these industries in Pakistan. index
9/5/2011 The City School Senior Boys N.Naz Acknowledgement ► Management ► Intel Teach Program ► Thanks to Ms.Ambreen Khalid, SirKamran Khan, Sir S.Zaryab Hussain ► Special Thanks to my Headmaster Mr. Shahid Iqbal whose encouragement has enabled me to learn. index
9/5/2011 The City School Senior Boys N.Naz Geography has made us neighbors, History has made us friends. Economics has made us partners, and necessity has made us allies. Those whom God has so joined together, let no man put asunder J.F.Kennedy quotes index
9/5/2011 The City School Senior Boys N.Naz THANK YOU index