CMS Luigi Zangrando, Cern, 16/4/ Run Control Prototype Status M. Gulmini, M. Gaetano, N. Toniolo, S. Ventura, L. Zangrando INFN – Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro
CMS Luigi Zangrando, Cern, 16/4/ RCMS: definition The Run Control Monitor System is defined as the software required to: configure and set the CMS apparatus ( partitions or whole system) configure and set the CMS apparatus ( partitions or whole system) control and synchronize operation of the separate components control and synchronize operation of the separate components monitor the separate components monitor the separate components handle errors and information messages handle errors and information messages log continuously the current state of the experiment log continuously the current state of the experiment provide a user interface for both control and monitor provide a user interface for both control and monitor RCMS Internet Intranet Internet Intranet UI The RCMS architecture enables the users to access and control the experiment from any part of the world
CMS Luigi Zangrando, Cern, 16/4/ RCMS context Session Manager UI Services Connection Services Services EVB Ctrl CS Ctrl TRG Ctrl DCS Ctrl EVF Ctrl FED Builder CS Sub- System Glbl Mu Cal DCS Sub- System EVB Sub-System TRG Sub-System EVF Sub-System RCMS RU Builder
CMS Luigi Zangrando, Cern, 16/4/ RCMS: block diagram SECURITY SERVICE (SS) –It provides login and authentication procedures to RCMS enabling data encryption when needed RESOURCE SERVICE (RS) –It manages the elements of the DAQ system: configuration of the components Session and Partition mngm Information and Monitor System (IMS) –It collects all the information originated from the sub-systems. Information is cataloged as: Messages: –Errors –Generic –Resource Status Change Monitor JOB CONTROL –It starts, monitor and kill the software infrastructure of the RCMS PROBLEM SOLVER –It uses the information provides by IMS to catch severe malfunctions of the apparatus and try to fix them Security Service Resource Service Info&Mon Service Job Ctrl Problem Solver Sub-System Controller Services Connection Session Manager RCMS UI UserDB ConfDB LogDB Run Bkkpng
CMS Luigi Zangrando, Cern, 16/4/ RCMS prototype status Internet XML - http Internet XML - http Sub-System XDAQ Resources Security Service Resource Service Info&Mon Service Job Ctrl Problem Solver Function Manager XML over http protocols Session Manager RCMS UI GUI UserDB ConfDB LogDB Run Bkkpng UI GUI Servlet Container Apache TomCat XML:DB + mySQL FSM XDAQ Adapter FSM
CMS Luigi Zangrando, Cern, 16/4/ Tools: XML as communication protocol Servlet container (TOMCAT) Java Servlet Resource Service Java client XML XML:DB REL DB Java Objs XML Parser (Castor) XML Parser (Castor) C++ client XML Parser (Castor) Java client XML Parser (Castor) http XML
CMS Luigi Zangrando, Cern, 16/4/ Information and Monitor Service (IMS) The IMS collects all the information comming from any DAQ resources or RCMS internal components and stores them in the logDB database. The informations are cataloged in: Messages (error, generic, resource status change) Messages (error, generic, resource status change) Monitor Monitor SM FM FM error msg status change msg IMS
CMS Luigi Zangrando, Cern, 16/4/ IMS prototype: Resource Status Change Error Statistics Message Logger (DB) State logger Monitor - History DB Message Filtering and Dispatcher Monitor Info System State Display Error Statistics Alarm Display Monitor Systems Client Subscriber Messages (Error, Warning Generic) IMS DB FilterEngine XPath based subscriber 1 subscriber n JAXM XML message Soap Message
CMS Luigi Zangrando, Cern, 16/4/ IMS Status Proposal for the IMS protocol definition (XML schema) Tools and technologies: –JAXM for SOAP to XML message –native XML DB (eXist XML:DB +MySQL) –XXX for xpath in the filter engine –JMS (Java Message Service) as complete tool for IMS It fits our requirements Fast and complete Java bounded Full ims prototype in progress
CMS Luigi Zangrando, Cern, 16/4/ GUI Graphical User Interface –Java Based –Run Control Panel Simple start/stop commands –Monitors Panel Get system status Performance and statistics –Create/join Sessions Java Wizard based Fully based on the Resource Service DB Main efforts on handling sessions, partitions, etc. Run Control and monitor panels based on the running Legnaro Muon Data Acquisition
CMS Luigi Zangrando, Cern, 16/4/ Some GUI panels
CMS Luigi Zangrando, Cern, 16/4/ RCMS prototype status Resource Service with Security Service. Interactive GUI to handle run sessions, partitions, etc. Easy to customize according to the application needs (e.g. Test beams, simple test environment, etc.) Session Manager Function Manager XDaq adapter Finite State Machine First integration and tests with xdaq nodes IMS Design and technological investigations Implementation in progress
CMS Luigi Zangrando, Cern, 16/4/ Plans Continue integration in small daq sysytems (e.g. Muon data acquisition, etc.). Functionality tests Run Control and Monitors panel to be completed First implementation of the IMS (Information and monitor service) XML:DB product investigations: –Apache Xindice –Oracle 9i vers. 2 (May) GUI product investigations: –Flash Mx (embedded Flash code into Java) Move Resource Service protocol (XML) to SOAP Performances tests on a 32 machines cluster Packaging, software distribution, documentation Release 0.1