VA 05/28/2012 – 05/31/2012 Guliani Bucker Donovan Bendarek
DatePatientAtt/ResDxProcedure 05/29Davis / GulianiESRDRevision of R AVF Davis / GulianiESRDAVF Vu / GulianiBleeding s/p whippleRe-exploration, drainage of hematoma/abscess, poor man’s vac placement Krawcheck / BendarekBilateral inguinal herniaBilateral lap inguinal hernia repair Krawcheck / BendarekSebaceous CystExcision of.. 05/30Miller / BuckerR inguinal herniaRepair of.. Krawcheck / BuckerEsophageal cancer, dysphagia Jejunostomy tube placement OR Cases
DatePatientAtt/ResDxProcedure 05/30 Vu / BuckerDiffuse adenopathyLeft groin lymph node biopsy Amendola / Pfeifer / Guliani AAAOpen AAA repair 05/31Porter / GulianiAcute appendicitsLap appendectomy OR Cases
DatePatientAtt/ResIndicationProcedureComplication 05/02Vu / CarterPancreatic cancerWhipple, re- exploration X 2 Death Death and Complication