Origin of the Universe
TEKS 8.8E Research how scientific data is used as evidence to develop scientific theories to describe the origin of the universe.
A Big Bang The Big Bang theory is a model or idea that explains how the universe formed. A hot, condensed single point called a “singularity” started to expand outwards (explode). The theory is not a guess, it is backed by hard evidence. Evidence of the Big Bang is the residual traces of radiation; a cosmic stain.
A Big Bang
A Big Bang From this scorching explosion everything begin…including time. The explosion released energy, gravity, time, particles of matter, and elements needed to start the universe. Within a millionth of a second gravity formed then small particles of atoms. The universe slowly cooled and formed over the next 13.7 billion years.
The Universe forms
The Universe forms The Universe begin expanding and continues to expand even now. The energy cooled and matter collected. Large areas of gas and dust formed Nebulas. Nebula gas clouds are the nurseries where stars are born. The first stars formed 100 million years after the Big Bang.
TEKS 8.8D Model and describe how light years are used to measure distances and sizes in the universe.
Measuring the Universe The newly formed universe is so vast and wide scientist had to create new units of measurement. To measure the distance between stars scientist created the Light year. The distance light travels in one year. Distance = 9.5 trillion kilometers. Speed of light 300,000 km/sec
Measuring the Universe Measurements were also created for distances between Galaxies. To measure the distance between Galaxies scientist created the Parsec. Parsec = 3.26 light years.
Measuring the Universe Measurements were also created for distances within a Solar systems. To measure the distance between Planets and the Sun scientist created the Astronomical units (AU). AU= 150,000,000 km; the distance from Earth to the Sun.
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