DO NOW Put these in order from smallest to largest: Put these in order from smallest to largest:SuperclusterGalaxyPlanet Star System Cluster/Group Then identify which structures WE are in. Ie. What supercluster are we in? What galaxy are we in, etc. You may use your notes. Then identify which structures WE are in. Ie. What supercluster are we in? What galaxy are we in, etc. You may use your notes.
Our Universe BANGS! LEARNING OBJECTIVE: I CAN explain the Big Bang Theory.
Spectroscopes The light given off by stars is marked by dark lines in certain colors The light given off by stars is marked by dark lines in certain colors A spectroscope is an instrument that separates light into its component colors A spectroscope is an instrument that separates light into its component colors Since stars are primarily hydrogen and helium, the lines we usually see are in the orange, yellow, green and blue areas Since stars are primarily hydrogen and helium, the lines we usually see are in the orange, yellow, green and blue areas LEARNING OBJECTIVE: I CAN explain the Big Bang Theory.
You can retake test tomorrow after school!
Edwin Hubble In the early 20 th century, Edwin Hubble discovered that light that reached Earth from distant galaxies shows special lines that are shifted toward the red end of the spectrum In the early 20 th century, Edwin Hubble discovered that light that reached Earth from distant galaxies shows special lines that are shifted toward the red end of the spectrum He suggested that the red-shifted lines are evidence that distant galaxies are moving away from us He suggested that the red-shifted lines are evidence that distant galaxies are moving away from us Observations of distant galaxies in all directions showed the red shift Observations of distant galaxies in all directions showed the red shift The more distant the galaxy, the greater the red shift The more distant the galaxy, the greater the red shift LEARNING OBJECTIVE: I CAN explain the Big Bang Theory.
Expansion The red-shift and other observations led scientists to the conclusion that the universe is expanding The red-shift and other observations led scientists to the conclusion that the universe is expanding LEARNING OBJECTIVE: I CAN explain the Big Bang Theory.
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Big Bang Theory Computer models that reverse the expansion, lead to the idea that at one time the universe was a concentrated object of incredible mass and density that exploded. Computer models that reverse the expansion, lead to the idea that at one time the universe was a concentrated object of incredible mass and density that exploded. This theory of the origin of the universe is known as the “Big Bang Theory” This theory of the origin of the universe is known as the “Big Bang Theory” Scientists currently believe the universe is about 10 to 15 billion years old Scientists currently believe the universe is about 10 to 15 billion years old
Big Bang Theory About 15 billion years ago, from nothingness, very dense matter smaller than a period exploded into what would become stars, planets and galaxies. About 15 billion years ago, from nothingness, very dense matter smaller than a period exploded into what would become stars, planets and galaxies.
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The Future of the Universe Some scientists think that the expansion of the universe will continue forever. Some scientists think that the expansion of the universe will continue forever. Some astronomers believe the force of gravity will eventually reverse the expansion and the universe will fall back together in the “big crunch.” Some astronomers believe the force of gravity will eventually reverse the expansion and the universe will fall back together in the “big crunch.” Some astronomers think it is possible that the universe will pulsate between explosions and contractions. Some astronomers think it is possible that the universe will pulsate between explosions and contractions. LEARNING OBJECTIVE: I CAN explain the Big Bang Theory.
Big Bang Balloon Work with partner at table. Work with partner at table. Follow directions in “What to Do” Follow directions in “What to Do” Ask for help when needed. Ask for help when needed. LEARNING OBJECTIVE: I CAN explain the Big Bang Theory.
You can retake test tomorrow after school!
Exit Ticket Take out a sheet of paper Take out a sheet of paper Put all notes away Put all notes away Do not talk! Do not talk! Explain the Big Bang Theory in your own words.
DO NOW What is the evidence for the Big Bang Theory? What is the evidence for the Big Bang Theory? You may use your notes. You may use your notes.
NWEA Info Monday- 1 st, 4 th and 9 th Period Monday- 1 st, 4 th and 9 th Period Tuesday- 2 nd and 6/7 th Period Tuesday- 2 nd and 6/7 th Period In Lab 274 In Lab 274
Agenda Do Now Do Now Balloon Big Bang Balloon Big Bang Data Practice Data Practice Exit Ticket Exit Ticket
You can retake test today after school at 2:40!
Big Bang Balloon Work with partner at table. Work with partner at table. Follow directions in “What to Do” Follow directions in “What to Do” Ask for help when needed. Ask for help when needed. LEARNING OBJECTIVE: I CAN select 2 or more pieces of data from a simple data presentation.
You can retake test today after school!
What If?