Unit 1 Level D English 9A
Admonish (v) to caution or advise against something; to scold mildly; to remind of a duty Synonym: warn, call on the carpet Antonym: praise, pat on the back
Breach (n) an opening, gap, rupture, rift; a violation or infraction; (v) to create an opening, break through Antonym: (v) close, seal
Brigand (n) bandit, robber, outlaw, highwayman
Cumbersome (adj) clumsy, hard to handle; slow-moving Synonym: ponderous Antonym: manageable, easy to handle
commandeer (v) to seize for military or official use Synonym: take over, requisition, expropriate "Well, then, I confess. It is my intention to commandeer one of these ships, pick up a crew in Tortuga, raid, pillage, plunder, and otherwise pilfer my weaselly black guts out.“ Captain Jack Sparrow, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Deadlock (n) n. a standstill resulting from the opposition of two equal forces or factions; (v) to bring to such a standstill Synonym: standoff, stalemate, impasse Antonym: agreement, accord, breakthrough
Debris (n) scattered fragments, wreckage Synonym: rubble, flotsam and jetsam
Diffuse (v)to spread or scatter freely or widely; (adj) wordy, long-winded, or unfocused; scattered or widely spread Synonym: (v) disperse; (adj) rambling, verbose Antonym: (v) concentrate; (adj) brief, concise, succinct
Dilemma (n) a difficult or perplexing situation or problem Synonym: predicament, quandary, pickle, bind Antonym: cinch
Efface (v) to wipe out; to keep oneself from being notice Synonym: blot out, erase, obliterate, expunge
Muddle (v) to make a mess of, muddle through, to get by; (n) a hopeless mess Synonym: (v) jumble, mess up; (n) confusion, disorder Antonym: (n) orderliness, tidness, neatness
Opinionated (adj) stubborn and often unreasonable in holding to one’s own ideas, having a closed mind Synonym: obstinate, pigheaded, inflexible Antonym: open-minded, reasonable
Perennial (adj) lasting for a long time, persistent; (n) a plant that lives for many years Synonym: (adj) enduring, recurring Antonym: (adj) brief, short-lived, fleeting
Predisposed (v) to incline to beforehand Synonym: make susceptible to Antonyms: immunize against, shield from
Relinquish (v) to let go, give up Synonym: surrender, abandon Antonym: hold on to, keep, retain, cling to
Salvage (v) to save from fire or shipwreck; (n) property thus saved Synonym: (v) rescue, recover, retrieve, reclaim Antonym: (v) abandon, scrap, junk
Spasmodic (adj) sudden and violent but brief, fitful; intermittent Synonym: irregular, occasional Antonym: steady, continuous, chronic
Spurious (adj) not genuine, not true, not valid Synonym: false, counterfeit, fraudulent, bogus Antonym: genuine, authentic, bona fide, valid
Unbridled (adj) uncontrolled, lacking in restraint Synonym: unrestrained, unchecked Antonym: restrained, held in check, muted The Unbridled Spirit by Nancy Glazier