U by Kotex: “Break The Cycle” Amanda Stone Emily Gunness Julia Quiring Amanda Stone Emily Gunness Julia Quiring
About Kotex kKimberly-Clark Corporation is an American Corporation that produces paper based consumer products. Their brand name products include “Kleenex” facial tissue and “Kotex” feminine hygiene products kOn March 16, 2010, Kimberly-Clark announced the launch of U by Kotex, a feminine care solution that offers bold new packaging and empowers women to be more comfortable talking about women’s health. kFor the past 50 years, Kotex and other feminine product companies have been emphasizing that the best period is the one that is ignored kKotex is trying to change their brand equity to stand for “Truth, transparency, and progressive vagina care.” kKimberly-Clark Corporation is an American Corporation that produces paper based consumer products. Their brand name products include “Kleenex” facial tissue and “Kotex” feminine hygiene products kOn March 16, 2010, Kimberly-Clark announced the launch of U by Kotex, a feminine care solution that offers bold new packaging and empowers women to be more comfortable talking about women’s health. kFor the past 50 years, Kotex and other feminine product companies have been emphasizing that the best period is the one that is ignored kKotex is trying to change their brand equity to stand for “Truth, transparency, and progressive vagina care.”
About “Break The Cycle” Campaign kKhloe Kardashian endorses U by KotexKhloe Kardashian kTrying to change conversation about feminine care kNew product line encourages women to join the Declaration of Real Talk Campaign k“Let’s embrace a new attitude and join together to Break the Cycle” kWebsite, FacebookWebsite, kKhloe Kardashian endorses U by KotexKhloe Kardashian kTrying to change conversation about feminine care kNew product line encourages women to join the Declaration of Real Talk Campaign k“Let’s embrace a new attitude and join together to Break the Cycle” kWebsite, FacebookWebsite,
kTV commercials & print ads “Yeah, I have a period. And a vagina, not a va-jay-jay. It's what makes me a woman. But society and the media aren't being straight with me. It's like there's a code of secrecy and it makes me feel uncomfortable when talking about these topics.”
Relation to Class k Print Media : high-involvement media, high readership, reach a selective audience k Consumer Magazines : major portion of magazine industry, accounting for nearly 2/3 of all advertising dollars spent in magazines k Selectivity : ability to reach a specific target audience k Humor & Celebrity Endorsement k Print Media : high-involvement media, high readership, reach a selective audience k Consumer Magazines : major portion of magazine industry, accounting for nearly 2/3 of all advertising dollars spent in magazines k Selectivity : ability to reach a specific target audience k Humor & Celebrity Endorsement
Sources khttp:// releases/kimberly-clark-introduces-u-by-kotex- product-line htmlhttp:// releases/kimberly-clark-introduces-u-by-kotex- product-line html khttp:// rticles.showArticle&art_aid=124332http:// rticles.showArticle&art_aid= khttp:// 3ghttp:// 3g khttp:// khttp:// ?id=50738http:// ?id=50738 khttp:// edia/16adco.html?_r=1http:// edia/16adco.html?_r=1 khttp:// releases/kimberly-clark-introduces-u-by-kotex- product-line htmlhttp:// releases/kimberly-clark-introduces-u-by-kotex- product-line html khttp:// rticles.showArticle&art_aid=124332http:// rticles.showArticle&art_aid= khttp:// 3ghttp:// 3g khttp:// khttp:// ?id=50738http:// ?id=50738 khttp:// edia/16adco.html?_r=1http:// edia/16adco.html?_r=1