Chapter 16 Abnormal Psychology “To study the abnormal is the best way of understand the normal.” -William James
Medical Studentitis: Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2007 A form of “hypochondriasis” can occur when learning about abnormal psychology. You may find that some of the symptoms we discuss in this chapter sound like something you have experienced. This is normal; happens with medical students, too! Note, though, that all psychological disorders involve exaggerations of normal tendencies.
Psychological Disorder Syndrome marked by “clinically significant disturbance in an individual’s cognition, emotion regulation or behavior.”
In 2010, 450 million suffer from mental disorders (WHO) Every culture Depression Schizophrenia
Defining and Identifying Abnormal behavior… Is unusual – doesn’t occur frequently in a given population Is maladaptive – interferes with person’s ability to function normally Is disturbing to others – departure from norms of cultural norms Is distressful – prevents a person from thinking clearly and making rational decisions
Problems of Classification Causes and symptoms are not always clear. Often a person has more than one disorder DSM – 5 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Manual that helps professionals classify psychological disorders
Theories of Abnormal Behavior Psychoanalytic Perspective Internal conflicts from unresolved childhood trauma Humanist Perspective Looks to a person’s feelings, self-esteem, and self- concept for the causes of mental behavior Cognitive Perspective Focuses on faulty, illogical and negative ways of thinking
Theories of Abnormal Behavior Behavioral Perspective Stresses abnormal behavior is learned Biological Perspective Caused by hormonal or neurotransmitter imbalances, differences in brain structure, and inherited predispositions
Anxiety Disorders
Involve extreme levels of fear and anxiety which negatively impact behavior and cognitive processes Anxiety Tension, apprehension and worry. Can be a normal response to stress
Anxiety Disorders Anxiety becomes a disorder when irrational Uncontrollable Disruptive to relationships and everyday activities
Generalized Anxiety Disorder GAD Persistent, uncontrollable and ongoing apprehension Symptoms Fatigue Irritability More likely -women
Panic Disorder Sudden episodes of extreme anxiety Fear of future attacks Symptoms: Pounding heart Rapid breathing Sudden dizziness Lightheadedness Panic attack
Phobias Strong, irrational fear of specific objects or situations Mysophobia Fear of germs
Nomophobia Fastest growing phobia Feeling of anxiety or distress when not having their phone Affects our transactive memory Today Show
10 bizarre phobias
Agoraphobia Irrational fear of public places or open spaces Fear of no escape or help Avoid crowded locations Extreme cases never leave their home video
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder A person is troubled by repetitive thoughts or actions Go from normal to abnormal Constantly interfere with everyday life and cause distress video
Hoarding Persistent difficulty and stress with regard to giving up possessions Excessive need to save Causes Personal distress Disrupt normal functioning video
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Disorder characterized with haunting nightmares and memories for four or more weeks after a traumatic event Insomnia, jumpy anxiety, social withdrawal
PTSD War veterans Survivors of Accidents Disasters Violence Sexual assault
PTSD Survivor resiliency 50% of adults experience a traumatic event 1 in 10 women develop PTSD 1 in 20 men develop PTSD