Advertising and Marketing Effects on Technology Foundations of Technology Advertising and Marketing Effects on Technology © 2013 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEM Center for Teaching and Learning™ Foundations of Technology Unit 1 - Lesson 4
Warm Up Questions Directions: In your Engineering Journal, respond to the writing prompts below. Use complete sentences. 1.In your own words, describe your favorite advertisement and the product it represents. 2.In your own words, describe what makes a good advertisement.
Warm Up Questions Directions: In your Engineering Journal, respond to the writing prompts below. Use complete sentences. 1.In your own words, describe your favorite advertisement and the product it represents. 2.In your own words, describe what makes a good advertisement.
Warm Up Questions Directions: In your Engineering Journal, respond to the writing prompts below. Use complete sentences. 1.In your own words, describe your favorite advertisement and the product it represents. 2.In your own words, describe what makes a good advertisement.
Warm Up Questions Directions: In your Engineering Journal, respond to the writing prompts below. Use complete sentences. 1.In your own words, describe your favorite advertisement and the product it represents. 2.In your own words, describe what makes a good advertisement.
Warm Up Questions Directions: In your Engineering Journal, respond to the writing prompts below. Use complete sentences. 1.In your own words, describe your favorite advertisement and the product it represents. 2.In your own words, describe what makes a good advertisement.
Warm Up Questions Directions: In your Engineering Journal, respond to the writing prompts below. Use complete sentences. 1.In your own words, describe your favorite advertisement and the product it represents. 2.In your own words, describe what makes a good advertisement.
Warm Up Questions Directions: In your Engineering Journal, respond to the writing prompts below. Use complete sentences. 1.In your own words, describe your favorite advertisement and the product it represents. 2.In your own words, describe what makes a good advertisement.
Warm Up Questions Directions: In your Engineering Journal, respond to the writing prompts below. Use complete sentences. 1.In your own words, describe your favorite advertisement and the product it represents. 2.In your own words, describe what makes a good advertisement.
Warm Up Questions Directions: In your Engineering Journal, respond to the writing prompts below. Use complete sentences. 1.In your own words, describe your favorite advertisement and the product it represents. 2.In your own words, describe what makes a good advertisement.
Warm Up Questions Directions: In your Engineering Journal, respond to the writing prompts below. Use complete sentences. 1.In your own words, describe your favorite advertisement and the product it represents. 2.In your own words, describe what makes a good advertisement.
Warm Up Questions Directions: In your Engineering Journal, respond to the writing prompts below. Use complete sentences. 1.In your own words, describe your favorite advertisement and the product it represents. 2.In your own words, describe what makes a good advertisement.
Objectives: Students will learn to: 1.Support the statement that a number of different factors, such as advertising, the strength of the economy, the goals of a company, and the latest fads, contribute to shaping the design of and demand for various technologies. 2.Identify how advertising, the strength of the economy, the goals of the company, and the fads of the time period contribute to the design of the product and the success or failure of the product, given various technological innovations. 3.Describe how a technology may have effects other than those intended by the design, some of which may have been predicable and some not. 4.Explain how the value of any given technology may be different for different groups of people and at different points in time.
The BIG Idea Big Idea: Many factors, including advertising, the strength of the economy, goals of the company, and fads determined by society, have an impact on the demand and design of technology. © 2013 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEM Center for Teaching and Learning™ Foundations of Technology
Advertising Research Activity
Directions: Individually research the advertisement you described in the engagement activity. In your engineering journal, respond to the questions below. Use complete sentences. Base your responses on one advertisement for the product that is attractive and conveys a clear message. Once you have completed the questions below, prepare to discuss your answers with the class.
Advertising Research Activity Questions 1.Advertisement Name/Description: 2.Research the current sales figures for the product and record your response below. 3.What market factors influence the product? 4.To which demographic is the advertisement targeted? Who is the target audience? 5.Is the advertisement unique? What attracted you to the advertisement? 6.Does the advertisement cause a reaction and/or grab your attention? Does the advertisement persuade the target audience to purchase the product?
Impacts of Technology Technology directly affects society in four distinct areas because it solves practical problems and serves human needs. © 2013 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEM Center for Teaching and Learning™ Foundations of Technology EnvironmentalEconomicSocialPolitical
Impacts of Technology Environmental – those that have a positive or negative effect on the natural environment. Economic – those that have a financial impact on our society. Social – are described as how an invention or innovation improves or changes the way in which we live and work. Political – how an invention or innovation influences political decisions and policies such as laws and regulations. © 2013 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEM Center for Teaching and Learning™ Foundations of Technology
Trade-Offs All technologies have both positive and negative effects other than those that were originally anticipated during the design phase. Trade-offs are when a designer must make a choice between a positive and negative impact for a product. © 2013 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEM Center for Teaching and Learning™ Foundations of Technology
Trade-Offs Example: Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) Highly praised in 1930 as a coolant for refrigeration units, aerosol propellants, and cleaning solvents. In 1973 was found to be a leading agent in the depletion of the ozone, later banned in 2010 by developed nations. Would you continue using CFCs? © 2013 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEM Center for Teaching and Learning™ Foundations of Technology
Trade-Offs Example: Clean Environment? Better Gas Mileage? Automobile Design 1 – is designed to be cleaner and better for the environment. Automobile Design 2 – is designed to get better fuel economy and reduce the dependence on foreign oil. As a designer – these are 2 positive impacts – how would you decide? © 2013 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEM Center for Teaching and Learning™ Foundations of Technology
Technological Advancement Technological advancement is often the result of ideas, knowledge, and/or skills that are shared across technologies or academic disciplines. The advancement of technology is directly related to the advancement of science and mathematics. Technology directly impacts society because it solves practical problems and serves human needs. © 2013 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEM Center for Teaching and Learning™ Foundations of Technology
Product Success A number of different factors contribute to the design of and demand for various technologies: Advertising Strength of the Economy Goals of a Company Latest Trends © 2013 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEM Center for Teaching and Learning™ Foundations of Technology Remember to Take Notes
Advertising There are three general themes for great advertisements: © 2013 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEM Center for Teaching and Learning™ Foundations of Technology Strategy Creativity Execution
Advertising © 2013 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEM Center for Teaching and Learning™ Foundations of Technology A clearly crafted message that is communicated to a target audience for a specific purpose. Strategy Gets the attention of the audience while positively influencing the consumer. Creativity The blending of strategy and creativity to clearly communicate an idea. Execution
Advertising Successful advertisements are: © 2013 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEM Center for Teaching and Learning™ Foundations of Technology Highly Targeted Identifies a clear target audience Solve a Problem Demonstrates how the product can be used to solve a problem Unique Are authentic, creative, and capture the audience’s attention Cause the Audience to Act Create some type of connection with the audience
Advertising Technological innovation often results when ideas, knowledge, or skills are shared within a technology, among technologies, or across other fields. Technological ideas are sometimes protected through the process of patenting. Technological progress promotes the advancement of science and mathematics. Developments in science or technology often stimulate innovations in mathematics by presenting new kinds of problems to be solved. Developments in mathematics often stimulate innovations in science and technology. Technology directly affects society, versus science, because it solves practical problems and serves human needs. © 2013 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEM Center for Teaching and Learning™ Foundations of Technology
Internet Search Terms and Suggested Sites (Resources) Apple Inc. (2011). iPad, Retrieved from Apple Inc. (2011). The best way to experience the web, , photos and video. Hands down. Retrieved from Misson, E. (2010, December 10). ShopSmart magazine lists best and worst products of Retrieved from magazine-lists-their-best-and-worst-products-of magazine-lists-their-best-and-worst-products-of-2010 Mossberg, W. (2010, December 24). Mossberg's best and worst products of Retrieved from / / Underlying, Inc. (2011). Dipity-Find, Create, and Embed Interactive Timelines. Retrieved from
Advertising and Marketing Effects on Technology Vocabulary Review
Impacts on Technology: the way in which a technology affects the environment, economic status, the way people live and work, and political decisions and laws. Impacts are divided into four categories: environmental (those that have a positive or negative effect on the natural environment), economic (those that have a financial impact on our society), social (are described as how an invention or innovation improves or changes the way in which we live and work) and political (how an invention or innovation influences political decisions and policies such as laws and regulations). Trade-Off: the choice between two conflicting ideas or impacts. All technologies have both positive and negative effects other than those that were originally anticipated during the design phase.
Advertising and Marketing Effects on Technology Vocabulary Review Technological Advancement: the result of ideas, knowledge, and/or skills that are shared across technologies or academic disciplines such as science and mathematics. Product Success: the overall achievement of a product based on several factors, including advertising, strength of the economy, goals of the company, and latest trends in society. Target Audience: is a specific group of people to which advertising is directed.
Product Advertisement Design Brief Assignment © 2013 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEM Center for Teaching and Learning™ Foundations of Technology
Product Advertisement Design Brief Based on the product you developed in Unit 1, Lesson 3, develop an advertisement. The advertisement should identify your target audience, be creative/capture your audience’s attention as well as demonstrate the essential functions of your product. © 2013 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEM Center for Teaching and Learning™ Foundations of Technology
Product Advertisement Design Brief Directions: 1.Complete the background questions for your advertisement 2.Brainstorm ways to advertise your product a)Develop a series of sketches to showcase your product b)Develop a series of storyboards to showcase your product 3.Evaluate your ideas and choose the best one 4.Develop your advertisement © 2013 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEM Center for Teaching and Learning™ Foundations of Technology
Product Advertisement Design Brief Background Questions for Developing an Advertisement 1.What target audience does your product serve? 2.What need or service does your product provide? 3.What impacts will your product have on the environment, the economy, society, and politics? 4.Through what market do you plan to advertise your product (online, print, video, social network)? 5.Within that market, describe the characteristics of a successful advertisement. 6.How will your advertisement incorporate those characteristics
Product Advertisement Design Brief Brainstorming an Advertisement In the space provided or in your engineering journal, sketch two or more ideas for your advertisement. Include information about your product and the essential functions. The advertisement should be appealing and capture your audience’s attention. Remember to be creative! © 2013 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEM Center for Teaching and Learning™ Foundations of Technology
Product Advertisement Design Brief Developing a Sequence Develop two or more storyboards that reflect your advertisement ideas. A storyboard is used to graphically organize a sequence of events. Title each scene, sketch a representation of what will occur, describe the scene, and add notes as appropriate. Include information about your product and the essential functions. The advertisement should be appealing and capture your audience’s attention. Remember to be creative! © 2013 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEM Center for Teaching and Learning™ Foundations of Technology
Product Advertisement Design Brief Evaluating Your Ideas Use the matrix provided to evaluate advertisements you brainstormed. Using a responsibility matrix is an easy way to demonstrate whether your idea has or has not met the requirements of the project. Once you have completed the responsibility matrix, answer the questions below in your engineering journal. © 2013 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEM Center for Teaching and Learning™ Foundations of Technology
Product Advertisement Design Brief Evaluating Your Ideas © 2013 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEM Center for Teaching and Learning™ Foundations of Technology Responsibility Matrix Criteria and Evaluation Scale: Poor Meets Target Exceeds Target To what degree is the advertisement designed for your target audience? Is the advertisement visually appealing? Rate the advertisement’s uniqueness. Does it grab the audience’s attention?
Product Advertisement Design Brief Developing Your Advertisement Using a technology of your choosing, develop an advertisement that showcases your product. The advertisement should be creative and capture your audience’s attention. Further, the advertisement will need to clearly convey meaning and inspire your audience to act upon your invention/innovation. Refer to the rubric provided for all components of the advertisement. © 2013 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEM Center for Teaching and Learning™ Foundations of Technology
Product Advertisement Design Brief CategoryBelow AverageAverageExcellent Background Questions The student did not complete the background questions or did not provide enough detail to help outline the advertisement. The student completed the background questions and provided enough background to outline the advertisement. The students completed the background questions and provided a detailed response for each question in an attempt to be better prepared to create an advertisement. Brainstorming The student did not complete the brainstorming portion of the assignment. The students completed the brainstorming portion of the assignment with multiple ideas for an advertisement. The students created several very detailed ideas for the advertisement. The students clearly conveyed the purpose of the advertisement within the description. Evaluating Ideas The student did not use the responsibility matrix to select the final idea. The student used the responsibility matrix to select the final idea and provided justification of such. Or the student justified a choice not indicated by the responsibility matrix with sound and valid reasons. The student used the responsibility matrix as a way to evaluate each advertisement idea. The feedback from the responsibility matrix was used to the final idea and justification of such was provided. Or the student justified a choice not indicated by the responsibility matrix with many sound and valid reasons.
Product Advertisement Design Brief CategoryBelow AverageAverageExcellent Clarity of the Advertisement The advertisement is vague and does not focus on the target audience. The advertisement conveys meaning and its intended audience. The advertisement is clever, easy to understand, and clearly focuses on a target audience. Purpose of the Advertisement The advertisement is not clear. The message/information presented does not showcase the purpose of the product. The advertisement showcases the purpose of the product and its essential functions. The advertisement showcases the purpose of the product through a scenario or in a way that captures the audiences’ attention. The purpose of the product is clearly represented. Distinctiveness of the Advertisement The advertisement is not clever and resembles other types of advertisements. The advertisement is unique and reflects the purpose of the product. The advertisement is unique and relates to the target audience. The advertisement causes the audience to react positively to the product.
Product Advertisement Design Brief Selected Response Items
1.Which of the following contributes to the success or failure of a product? a)Strength of the economy b)Latest fads c)Advertising d)All of the above 2.______________ is when a designer must make a choice between positive and negative impacts for a product. a)Principles of design b)Marketing c)Trade-off d)Sketching 3.Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics are so closely related that progress in one area often _________________. a)Stunts progress in other areas b)Stunts progress in one but not all other areas c)Promotes advancements in all other areas d)Promotes advancement in one other area but not others
Product Advertisement Design Brief Constructed Response (BCR)
Product Advertisement Design Brief Constructed Response Students are expected to respond to one of the questions described below. Students should provide examples to clarify their response. A.For any given technological device, identify the positive and negative effects. Be sure to include the social, political, economic, and environmental impacts. B.Discuss how advertising plays a role in technological advancement. What impacts does advertising have on a technological device?
Product Advertisement Design Brief Constructed Response
Warm Up #2 Questions Directions: In your Engineering Journal, respond to the writing prompts below. Use complete sentences. 1.What are impacts of technology? 2.What is advertising?
Warm Up #2 Questions Directions: In your Engineering Journal, respond to the writing prompts below. Use complete sentences. 1.What are impacts of technology? 2.What is advertising?
Warm Up #2 Questions Directions: In your Engineering Journal, respond to the writing prompts below. Use complete sentences. 1.What are impacts of technology? 2.What is advertising?
Warm Up #2 Questions Directions: In your Engineering Journal, respond to the writing prompts below. Use complete sentences. 1.What are impacts of technology? 2.What is advertising?
Warm Up #2 Questions Directions: In your Engineering Journal, respond to the writing prompts below. Use complete sentences. 1.What are impacts of technology? 2.What is advertising?
Warm Up #2 Questions Directions: In your Engineering Journal, respond to the writing prompts below. Use complete sentences. 1.What are impacts of technology? 2.What is advertising?
Warm Up #2 Questions Directions: In your Engineering Journal, respond to the writing prompts below. Use complete sentences. 1.What are impacts of technology? 2.What is advertising?
Warm Up #2 Questions Directions: In your Engineering Journal, respond to the writing prompts below. Use complete sentences. 1.What are impacts of technology? 2.What is advertising?
Warm Up #2 Questions Directions: In your Engineering Journal, respond to the writing prompts below. Use complete sentences. 1.What are impacts of technology? 2.What is advertising?
Warm Up #2 Questions Directions: In your Engineering Journal, respond to the writing prompts below. Use complete sentences. 1.What are impacts of technology? 2.What is advertising?
Warm Up #2 Questions Directions: In your Engineering Journal, respond to the writing prompts below. Use complete sentences. 1.What are impacts of technology? 2.What is advertising?
Warm Up #3 Questions Directions: In your Engineering Journal, respond to the writing prompts below. Use complete sentences. 1.Compare two advertisements for a product and explain three similarities. (Minimum – 4 sentences; Ex. Cars, cereal, etc.)
Warm Up #3 Questions Directions: In your Engineering Journal, respond to the writing prompts below. Use complete sentences. 1.Compare two advertisements for a product and explain three similarities. (Minimum – 4 sentences; Ex. Cars, cereal, etc.)
Warm Up #3 Questions Directions: In your Engineering Journal, respond to the writing prompts below. Use complete sentences. 1.Compare two advertisements for a product and explain three similarities. (Minimum – 4 sentences; Ex. Cars, cereal, etc.)
Warm Up #3 Questions Directions: In your Engineering Journal, respond to the writing prompts below. Use complete sentences. 1.Compare two advertisements for a product and explain three similarities. (Minimum – 4 sentences; Ex. Cars, cereal, etc.)
Warm Up #3 Questions Directions: In your Engineering Journal, respond to the writing prompts below. Use complete sentences. 1.Compare two advertisements for a product and explain three similarities. (Minimum – 4 sentences; Ex. Cars, cereal, etc.)
Warm Up #3 Questions Directions: In your Engineering Journal, respond to the writing prompts below. Use complete sentences. 1.Compare two advertisements for a product and explain three similarities. (Minimum – 4 sentences; Ex. Cars, cereal, etc.)
Warm Up #3 Questions Directions: In your Engineering Journal, respond to the writing prompts below. Use complete sentences. 1.Compare two advertisements for a product and explain three similarities. (Minimum – 4 sentences; Ex. Cars, cereal, etc.)
Warm Up #3 Questions Directions: In your Engineering Journal, respond to the writing prompts below. Use complete sentences. 1.Compare two advertisements for a product and explain three similarities. (Minimum – 4 sentences; Ex. Cars, cereal, etc.)
Warm Up #3 Questions Directions: In your Engineering Journal, respond to the writing prompts below. Use complete sentences. 1.Compare two advertisements for a product and explain three similarities. (Minimum – 4 sentences; Ex. Cars, cereal, etc.)
Warm Up #3 Questions Directions: In your Engineering Journal, respond to the writing prompts below. Use complete sentences. 1.Compare two advertisements for a product and explain three similarities. (Minimum – 4 sentences; Ex. Cars, cereal, etc.)
Warm Up #3 Questions Directions: In your Engineering Journal, respond to the writing prompts below. Use complete sentences. 1.Compare two advertisements for a product and explain three similarities. (Minimum – 4 sentences; Ex. Cars, cereal, etc.)