ArXiv:1109.4144v1 Shuichi KUNORI Bayram TALI UPDATE MonoJet Weekly Meeting 23/06/2013 Inelastic Dark Matter Analysis.


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Presentation transcript:

arXiv: v1 Shuichi KUNORI Bayram TALI UPDATE MonoJet Weekly Meeting 23/06/2013 Inelastic Dark Matter Analysis

Motivation 2 24/06/2013

Analysis Strategy  Plans:  (1) analysis of decay pions and decay vertex  We are working on Opeartor #4.  For delatM= 200, 500, 1000 MeV  - pt(pi+), pt(pi-), pt(pi+pi-), pt(pi+)/pt(pi-)  - opening angle of pi+ and pi-  - decay vertex R=sqrt(x*x+y*y), z, 2Dplot(R vs z)  - pt(chi+chi*) at IP (interaction point)  - pt(chichi) ?  (2) test pythia for deltaM=3GeV (and 2Gev).  Mass(chi*) GeV M(chi) = 500 GeV chi* -> chi + u + ubar  Does Pythia produce hadrons for those u and ubar?  If hadronization is done in pythia, check the following.  - multiplicity of hadrons  - pt of each hadrons  - decay points. TO DO 3 24/06/2013

Use MadGraph5_v1_3_33 for MC signal production / Analysis  Modifications:  (1) new partcilce codes --- DECAY e-18 # Wchie # BR NDA ID1 ID2 ID E # BR(chi~ -> chi pi+ pi-) --- New particle codes: gravitino for stable (chi) for chi*, which decays to chi pi+ pi-  (2) in py file, for pythia 'MSTJ(22)=3 ! mode of cut-off on decay length, 1=default, 3=max decay lengh', 'PARJ(72)= ! maximum decay length'),  Created LHE Files Chi MASS Delta MASS 0.2No 0.3Yes 0.4 Yes 0.5Yes /06/2013

Some Info. From Pythia  Unit of vertex point in Pythia: (Pythia manuel page 62) x position of production vertex, in mm. y position of production vertex, in mm. z position of production vertex, in mm. Output of Pytia; 15 ~Gravitino (difined as chi) Since then x = mm, y = mm and z = mm 5 24/06/2013

Some Info. From Pythia  Output of Pytia; sN (id) =========== 15 ~Gravitino =========== 98 (u) A (ubar) V =========== 252 (string) (eta) (rho+) pi =========== 456 gamma gamma pi (pi0) =========== 557 gamma gamma

Some Info. From CMSSW Sequence Number of Particle id : 15 Mother ID of Particle id : Mother Status of Particle id : 3 VX of Particle id : VY of Particle id : VZ of Particle id : Sequence Number of Particles with the same vertexes : 15 Particle ID with the same vertexes : Particle Status with the same vertexes : 1 VX of Particulare Particle : VY of Particulare Particle : VZ of Particulare Particle : Sequence Number of Particles with the same vertexes : 98 Particle ID with the same vertexes : 2 Particle Status with the same vertexes : 2 VX of Particulare Particle : VY of Particulare Particle : VZ of Particulare Particle : Sequence Number of Particles with the same vertexes : 99 Particle ID with the same vertexes : -2 Particle Status with the same vertexes : 2 VX of Particulare Particle : VY of Particulare Particle : VZ of Particulare Particle : Sequence Number of Particles with the same vertexes : 252 Particle ID with the same vertexes : 92 Particle Status with the same vertexes : 2 VX of Particulare Particle : VY of Particulare Particle : VZ of Particulare Particle : Sequence Number of Particles with the same vertexes : 253 Particle ID with the same vertexes : 221 Particle Status with the same vertexes : 2 VX of Particulare Particle : VY of Particulare Particle : VZ of Particulare Particle : Sequence Number of Particles with the same vertexes : 254 Particle ID with the same vertexes : 213 Particle Status with the same vertexes : 2 VX of Particulare Particle : VY of Particulare Particle : VZ of Particulare Particle : Sequence Number of Particles with the same vertexes : 255 Particle ID with the same vertexes : -211 Particle Status with the same vertexes : 1 VX of Particulare Particle : VY of Particulare Particle : VZ of Particulare Particle : Sequence Number of Particles with the same vertexes : 456 Particle ID with the same vertexes : 22 Particle Status with the same vertexes : 1 VX of Particulare Particle : VY of Particulare Particle : VZ of Particulare Particle : Sequence Number of Particles with the same vertexes : 457 Particle ID with the same vertexes : 22 Particle Status with the same vertexes : 1 VX of Particulare Particle : VY of Particulare Particle : VZ of Particulare Particle : Sequence Number of Particles with the same vertexes : 458 Particle ID with the same vertexes : 211 Particle Status with the same vertexes : 1 VX of Particulare Particle : VY of Particulare Particle : VZ of Particulare Particle : Sequence Number of Particles with the same vertexes : 459 Particle ID with the same vertexes : 111 Particle Status with the same vertexes : 2 VX of Particulare Particle : VY of Particulare Particle : VZ of Particulare Particle : Sequence Number of Particles with the same vertexes : 557 Particle ID with the same vertexes : 22 Particle Status with the same vertexes : 1 VX of Particulare Particle : VY of Particulare Particle : VZ of Particulare Particle : Sequence Number of Particles with the same vertexes : 558 Particle ID with the same vertexes : 22 Particle Status with the same vertexes : 1 VX of Particulare Particle : VY of Particulare Particle : VZ of Particulare Particle :

Some Info. From Pythia and CMSSW  Output of CMSSW; Sequence Number of Particle id : 15 Mother ID of Particle id : Mother Status of Particle id : 3 VX of Particle id : VY of Particle id : VZ of Particle id : Unlike Pythia CMSSW results are in cm so, x = cm, y = cm and z = cm On the other hand x, y and z are not exactly the same there is a difference between those Pythia: x = mm, y = mm z = mm CMSSW: x = cm, y = cm z = cm  Output of Pytia; 15 ~Gravitino (difined as chi) Since then x = mm, y = mm and z = mm 8 24/06/2013

 Plans: These Results Just From Generated Particle Level. We want to see some basic information.  (1) analysis of decay pions and decay vertex  We are working on Opeartor #3 and #4 of first page.  For diff. delatM= 0.3, 0.5, 1 GeV and diff. chiM =100, 300 and 500 GeV  - pt(pi+), pt(pi-), pt(pi+pi-), pt(pi+)/pt(pi-)  - opening angle of pi+ and pi-  - decay vertex R=sqrt(x 2 +y 2 ), z, 2Dplot(R vs z)  - pt(chi+chi*) at IP (interaction point)  - pt(chichi) 9 24/06/2013

(1) pt(pi + )  Plots from DELTA MASS 0.3, 0.5, 1 GeV and CHI MASS 100, 300, 500 GeV with status code /06/2013

(1)pt(pi - )  Plots from DELTA MASS 0.3, 0.5, 1 GeV and CHI MASS 100, 300, 500 GeV with status code /06/2013

(1) pt(pi + pi - )  Plots from DELTA MASS 0.3, 0.5, 1 GeV and CHI MASS 100, 300, 500 GeV with status code /06/2013

(1) pt(pi + )/pt(pi - ) Value Divide  Plots from DELTA MASS 0.3, 0.5, 1 GeV and CHI MASS 100, 300, 500 GeV with status code /06/2013

(1) pt(pi + )/pt(pi - ) Histograms Divide  Plots from DELTA MASS 0.3, 0.5, 1 GeV and CHI MASS 100, 300, 500 GeV with status code /06/2013

(1) opening angle of pi + and pi -  Plots from DELTA MASS 0.3, 0.5, 1 GeV and CHI MASS 100, 300, 500 GeV with status code /06/2013

Theoretical Decay Lenght 16 24/06/2013

(1) decay vertex R=sqrt(x 2 +y 2 ), z, 2Dplot(R vs z)  Plots from DELTA MASS 0.3, 0.5, 1 GeV and CHI MASS 100, 300, 500 GeV with status code 1

(1) pt(chi+chi*) at IP  Plots from DELTA MASS 0.3, 0.5, 1 GeV and CHI MASS 100, 300, 500 GeV with status code /06/2013

(1) pt(chi+chi)  Plots from DELTA MASS 0.3, 0.5, 1 GeV and CHI MASS 100, 300, 500 GeV with status code /06/2013

 Plans:  (2) test pythia for deltaM=3GeV (and 2Gev).  Chi Mass 100, 300 and 500 GeV chi* -> chi + u + ubar  Does Pythia produce hadrons for those u and ubar?  If hadronization is done in pythia, check the following.  - multiplicity of hadrons  - pt of each hadrons  - decay points. These Results Just From Generated Particle Level with status code /06/2013

(2) multiplicity of hadrons 21 24/06/2013

(2) pt of each hadrons Bayram Tali 22 20/06/2013

(2) decay points 23 24/06/2013