SIPPING WG Status IETF 56 The Chairs Gonzalo Camarillo, Rohan Mahy, Dean Willis
Note Well Registration packets included materials referring to RFC 2026 As usual, this meeting is covered by that policy. Wireless: please do NOT use adhoc mode! you will break everyone else!
Chat Room Info Jabber chat room at: SIMPLE/Jabber gateway info available at:
Agenda Day Agenda Bash / Status -- Chairs 1945 Service Examples, Alan Johnston 1955 Call Control -- Transfer, Alan Johnston 2005 Caller Preferences Use cases, Jonathan Rosenberg 2015 Persistent Connection Management Reqs, Vijay 2035 SIP Network Address Translation, Jonathan 2045 Session Policy Requiments, Jonathan Rosenberg 2055 URI Leasing, Jonathan Rosenberg 2105 SIP Conferencing Design Team, Alan Johnston 2135 Application Server Interaction Design Team, Jonathan 2140 Transcoding Design Team, Gonzalo Camarillo 2145 Emergency Calls Design Team, Jon Peterson 2150 Limiting Notifcation Rate, Aki Niemi
Agenda Day Agenda Bash 1535 Role-based Authorization Requirements, Jon Peterson 1545 Request History, Mary Barnes 1605 Considerations on the IPREP Requirements, Jon P 1615 SIP Endpoint Service Charging Reqs, Wolfgang Beck 1625 SIP User Agent Configuration - Dan Petrie 1635 Issues in Dual Stack Environments, Hakan Persson 1645 SIP-AAA Requirements, Gonzalo Camarillo 1655 Early Media, Gonzalo Camarillo 1710 Network Announcements, Eric Burger 1720 Open Discussion
RFCS Published Since IETF 55 1.RFC 3324 – Reqs for Trusted Identity 2.RFC 3398 – ISUP - SIP Mapping 3.RFC 3372 – SIP-T framework
Approved, in RFC-ED Queue 1.draft-ietf-sipping-sigcomp-sip- dictionary Static SIP compression dictionary 2.draft-ietf-sipping-reg-event- Registration Package
AD/IESG Review 1.draft-ietf-sipping-3gpp-r5-reqs –AD review 2.draft-ietf-sipping-3pcc –IESG review of fixes 3.draft-ietf-sipping-overlap –IESG review of fixes 4.draft-ietf-sipping-basic-flows –IESG review of fixes 5.draft-ietf-sipping-pstn-flows –IESG review of fixes
SIPPING Draft Status individualWG itemWGLC nowsend to ADIESG revRFCed app interactcc-transfer*e164 content indirect 3pccdictionary conferencingcc-fw*conn reuse3g reqsoverlapreg pkg deaf/xcodeconf-models*aaa reqsmwibasic flows iceconf pack*dialog pkgpstn flows cp use casesnat- scenario* early mediaservice flows* endpoint charge fax flows dual stackconfig (2) authzqsig throttlereq history
A Note about publishing Individual Documents Netannc OSP Token
Can we split this up for better digestion? Use Cases, Call Flows, BCPs are Operational –cc-transfer –transcoding –cc-conferencing –nat-scenarios / ice –qsig2sip –service flows –early media –caller prefs use cases –fax flows –dual stack Frameworks, Investigation, Requirements, Discussion docs are Filtering in nature –cc-framework –app interact framework –conferencing framework –conference package –endpoint charge –user profile package –user profile framework –authorization properties –event throttling –request history