Detroit Public Schools School Improvement Building Level Meeting Wednesday, March 24, 2010 K-8 Schools Thursday, March 25, 2010 High Schools
School Improvement Office Diane P. Fleming Arveneda McDonald Daisye Mays Iris Diop Diane Walker
Department of State and Federal Programs Linda Blanton Lisa Brown Sharrece Farris Edwina Hill Robbin Meeks Denise Jamieson
WRESA Support Kelly Green- HPSI
Why am I here? Get information on MDE SIP Grant Learn about the application process Understand criteria for grant submission Determine deadline dates
Expectations Must be driven by your School Improvement Plan Staff involvement in application Professional Development must be research based All applications are due April 19, 2010
Research Based Connecting research recommendations to practice can improve instruction. Key research-based strategies have demonstrated proof (usually scientifically- based) of an impact on student achievement-helping all students in all kinds of classrooms. Strategies should be organized into categories of familiar practices in order to help you fine-tune your teaching to improve student achievement.
What will my school get out of this grant? Build Capacity... Opportunity for professional development Improve processes and practices Articulation with staff regarding increased student achievement
Funding Schools not making AYP due to proficiency in 2008 and/or 2009 have been allocated between $30,000 and $45,000, based on enrollment.
Funds must be used to support the corrective action or restructuring efforts in the identified schools and are to be used for: Criteria External technical assistance Intensive professional development for school staff Continued improvement activities in the curricular area that resulted in the school’s identification as not meeting AYP
If a school received Title 1 School Improvement funds in to develop a restructuring plan, then funds must be used to support implementation of that plan. ALL COSTS MUST BE REASONABLE, NECESSARY AND ALLOWABLE.
All applications are due by April 19, 2010 via All plans and budgets will be submitted to the Office of School Improvement for review and approval before being uploaded on the Michigan Electronic Grants System. The Office of Grant Compliance will be responsible for approving all requisitions related to school improvement expenditures. Routing & Due Dates
Use of Funds Allowable Limited supplies and resources to support professional development activities Consultants and or Vendors (Cost analysis will be required) Refreshments Unallowable Out of State Travel Facilities Rental Equipment Infrastructure Cost Retreats
District submission of applications and school level budgets will be made by April 30, 2010 The Michigan Department of Education will approve the plans. Approval is expected by mid-May.
Grant Application Process
Budget Worksheet
Application Assistance Staff in the Office of Grant Compliance (Suite 450 Fisher) will be available to assist schools. Calls, ’s and scheduled visits are welcome. Lisa Williams Brown Sharrece Farris Edwina Hill Arveneda McDonald