BERAS Implementation - an action plan on Baltic Sea Region level for sustainable farm practice Stryszow, November 2010 Part-financed by The European Union BERAS Implementation ( Baltic Ecological Recycling Agriculture and Society)
Short introduction to BERAS Implementation The challenge - Baltic Sea eutrophication Why do we have the problem? A historic perspective BERAS Implementation a holistic ecologic alternative Part-financed by The European Union BERAS Implementation ( Baltic Ecological Recycling Agriculture and Society)
The challenge Part-financed by The European Union BERAS Implementation ( Baltic Ecological Recycling Agriculture and Society)
11/17/10AG The nitrogen and phosphorus surplus to the sea The problem – Phytoplankton bloom
Why do we have this problem - A historic perspective Example from Sweden Part-financed by The European Union BERAS Implementation ( Baltic Ecological Recycling Agriculture and Society)
11/17/10AG The changing agricultural landscape –example from Roslagen central Sweden – the hay making agriculture (slåtterjordbruket) The meadow - the mother of arable land - dominated until the beginning of the 18th century Brusewitz & Emmelin
11/17/10AG Lack of food – in the end of 18th centuary The inhabitants in Sweden increased from 2 millions to 7 million between 1800 to 1950 before the introduction of artificial fertilizers and pesticides. How was the increased demand for food met?
11/17/10AG Ley with Leguminosis was the sunlight driven nature resource used to create a multiple doubled food production during 150 years before the introduction of artificial fertilizers and chemicals Energy from the sunlight Nitrogen and carbon from the atmosphere Minerals and water from the ground
11/17/10AG Clover became the crop of the earth and the fodder for the animals that in turn would fertilize the soil
11/17/10AG Arable land with clover grass in the crop rotation increased and natural meadow land decreased Crop rotations with symbiotic nitrogen fixation leguminous (clover grass land ley 2-3 years followed of 2 – 4 years cereal and other crops) Integration of crop and animals on the whole farm area (before partly separated) Technical improvements to utilize the nature given production potential and with help of horse power.
11/17/10AG The same landscape after the agricultural revolution 1900
11/17/10AG Ecological recycling for the soil, food, sea and for the climate. 57 N 36 N 22 N
11/17/10AG N kg/ha Increased surplus and losses In Sweden, from 1950 to 1980 the average use of artificial nitrogen fertilizers increased from 20 kg to 80 kg per ha and year.
11/17/10AG BERAS project partners from 8 countries Pilot studies on 48 farms –Nutrient balances –Leakage measurements –Energy and global warming potential –Consumer surveys BERAS Implementation
11/17/10AG Nitrogen- och phosphurus surplus kg/ha and year Three scenarios for the EU – countries around the baltic Sea
BERAS Implementation offers a holistic ekological alternative Part-financed by The European Union BERAS Implementation ( Baltic Ecological Recycling Agriculture and Society)
BERAS Implementation was approved 10/6 2010! ” The appoved projects are the ambassadors of the Programme” Some key messages of the Baltic Sea Region Programme : ” Eleven countries around the Baltic Sea work together to find joint solutions to common problems.” ”The Baltic Sea Region Programme is investing in Europe´s future by fostering sustainable growth in the region.” Part-financed by The European Union BERAS Implementation ( Baltic Ecological Recycling Agriculture and Society)
- Based on earlier EU project ( ) with extensive scientific documentation - Total budget 4.5 mill Euro - 25 partners from 9 countries plus Russia - 35 associeted partners Part-financed by The European Union BERAS Implementation ( Baltic Ecological Recycling Agriculture and Society)
Action: Build up learning centers (BIC)* in all countries BIC s are regional centers where we collect our project results, communicate, discuss, inspire and further develop our project. BICs are based on ERA farms including Market Clusters and Networks. BIC s are to be established in all 9 participating countries and Russia. * = Baltic Ecological Recycling Agriculture and Society Implementation Centers Part-financed by The European Union BERAS Implementation ( Baltic Ecological Recycling Agriculture and Society)
4. ”Baltic Ecological Recycling Agriculture and Society Implementation Centers ( BIC )” - BIC is a regional center where project results are collected, communicated and discussed in order to inspire further development. -BIC is based on ERA farms with Market Clusters and networks. - BIC s shall be established in all participating countries and in Russia. (Main responsible partner PKE Gliwice, PP16. - A mobile BIC shall be established, which will visit key areas in all partner countries. Part-financed by The European Union BERAS Implementation ( Baltic Ecological Recycling Agriculture and Society)
Action: Conversion Examples ”ERA farms” Self sufficiency with fodder and manure – (90%) Balansed crop rotation (clover/grass and one year crops) Balansed animal husbandry Cover different types of conversion challenges The aim is to develop guidelines for conversion to ERA farms and local food chain societies. Part-financed by The European Union BERAS Implementation ( Baltic Ecological Recycling Agriculture and Society)
Action: Diet for a Clean Baltic Södertälje municipality (P3) and City of Copenhagen/Ökological council (P20) Develop a prototype diet/menu at a number of pioneering restaurants Part-financed by The European Union BERAS Implementation ( Baltic Ecological Recycling Agriculture and Society)
Questions Part-financed by The European Union BERAS Implementation ( Baltic Ecological Recycling Agriculture and Society)