Technology In The Classroom By: Jacqueline Bolivar
The iPad o How the iPad might change the classroom would be like instead of doing math problems on the board you can do it on the iPad, like hands on. o Also you might be able to learn faster because you are doing math problems in a fun way using your finger instead of a writing utensil. o Also in the iPad you can save paper because you won’t be doing work on worksheets, while you are doing problems on a touch screen.
Math Apps For The iPad Some apps for the iPad are math ref, and touchy math. Math Ref- Gives you references on how to do equations, things like that, and also has formulas. Touchy Math- You type in a equation then you can solve it in the iPad by using your fingers to move the numbers, or tapping them to make more numbers.
MDG FLIP-8.9 TOUCHSCREEN NETBOOK PC The technology I chose was the MDG Flip which is like a little convertible and wireless device that turns into a laptop and a touch screen. How this technology can be useful in the classroom is by since there is not enough computers for everybody you can use this technology for internet access, and all those other things too. It will also help by not taking much space since it a not so big device. You can also carry it since it has a handle, and use a stylus or finger to write on the MDG Flip.
More about the MDG Flip The MDG Flip costs like around $400-$500. Also it can help in math class by doing problems and things like that. You can also draw, write, take notes, use the internet like a normal computer. Basically like a notebook too. Take Notes Draw Internet
The Future Years… I think that in the future years there is going to be way more advanced technology than what we have now. We might not even need pencils or markers anymore to write. But the technology in the future might be more expensive. Technology has gone really far. So many new things have been invented this past few years, and more advanced technology is being created now.
Conclusion What I learned about my topic was of how it could be used in the classroom. Also of how many things it has, or what you can do in the technology I chose. You can use the MDG Flip in the classroom by writing, taking notes, drawing, and using the web too. Which is very useful when in math class. What I would like to learn more about my topic would be is why don’t the people advertise this more on television, since it is a good technology device for students, the classroom, and education too.
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