2 Take a risk. Volunteer. Do it! Adventurous volunteers will assume the secret identify of a beloved author whose name is attached to their back. The volunteers will stroll around the room and ask for hints about their identity. The helpful community will give 1 clue at a time. Volunteers may not ask questions about their identity; they may only listen to the clue. When volunteers think they know their identity, they may share it with the group. Julie Anderson & Charmion Mohning, Cy-Fair I.S.D.
3 Close the door. Write with no one looking over your shoulder. Don't try to figure out what other people want to hear from you; figure out what you have to say. It's the one and only thing you have to offer. Barbara Kingsolver Julie Anderson & Charmion Mohning, Cy-Fair I.S.D.
4 Teachers will: examine strategies for revision and discuss how to make them transferrable to student writing review sources for revision mini-lessons discuss how anchor charts are used to teach and to review strategies and craft moves explore the conditions for and the kind, content, and characteristics of effective writing conferences study best practices in the teaching of grammar usage and language conventions Julie Anderson & Charmion Mohning, Cy-Fair I.S.D.
5 Hooray! It’s a Writing-Sharing Kind-of-Day! When you gather with your NBA team, share your gleanings from Ralph Fletcher’s concept of revision – Story Surgery. Share your writing with one another and talk about your writing “vision.” Your NBA team will point out something that’s great in your piece. Julie Anderson & Charmion Mohning, Cy-Fair I.S.D.
6 In Live Writing: Breathing Life into Your Words, Ralph Fletcher introduces us to the “Golden Line.” A golden line is a “sweet sentence that makes you sit up straight, go back, and read it all over again.” Let’s take a look at a sweet sentence. Julie Anderson & Charmion Mohning, Cy-Fair I.S.D.
7 Take a look at a gem from Barbara O’Connor’s How to Steal a Dog. Guess what verb the author chose to use to create this golden line. Tanisha Brown said... " When she shut the engine off, we got _________ up in quiet." Find other golden lines at this cool web site: A.tangled B.lost C.swallowed D.caught Julie Anderson & Charmion Mohning, Cy-Fair I.S.D.
8 Take a moment to review Ralph Fletcher’s description of “The Golden Line” in Live Writing, p. 108 – 115. Hunt and search for one (or more) of your own golden lines from your writing. Ask your response group for feedback and/or confirmation on your golden line. Add your golden nugget to a sentence strip and post it proudly. Julie Anderson & Charmion Mohning, Cy-Fair I.S.D.
10 Vivid details are key to creating crystal clear images in the minds of your readers. Let’s watch a masterful teacher model the process of envisioning with detail to his community of young writers. Julie Anderson & Charmion Mohning, Cy-Fair I.S.D.
11 Is your writing feeling outdated or perhaps a bit drab with its current arrangement of ideas? Try out a few revision techniques found in the article, “Interior Design: Revision as Focus” for an updated, fresh look. Julie Anderson & Charmion Mohning, Cy-Fair I.S.D.
12 This imaginative commercial for Brylcreem shows the “effortless” approach to life that one man experiences. This imaginative commercial for Brylcreem shows the “effortless” approach to life that one man experiences.
13 where your feet went what you saw and what you thought Julie Anderson & Charmion Mohning, Cy-Fair I.S.D.
14 Basals are boring! Barry begs you to beef up the banal, blasé books. Take a revision lesson from Barry Lane’s A Reviser’s Toolbox. Julie Anderson & Charmion Mohning, Cy-Fair I.S.D.
15 Frank McCourt blends humor and warmth in his tales from the classroom. Check out the excerpt about the imaginative excuses he has received in his teaching career. Julie Anderson & Charmion Mohning, Cy-Fair I.S.D.