Vikings Lo: can I use historical evidence to learn about the vikings? By Mia and Finlay
Viking tattoos. The Vikings had dark green tattoos from finger nails to their neck. Their tattoos were figures.
Viking weapons. Each and every Viking warrior had a knife a sword and a axe on them at all times.
Viking trading. Viking women traded amongs themselves. They traded rings of gold and silver and green glass beads of clay and pay a dirham [Arab silver coin]
The Anglo – saxson prayer A 10 th century Anglo-saxon prayer. “Lord, deliver us from the Normans.’’ It could mean get them away from the Vikings
Viking Raids. In the 8 th century the Vikings from Norway to find new lands to live in. Murdering and terrorizing the native populations and stealing from their monasteries, coming home with laden treasure
Where did the Vikings come from. The Vikings came from Norway, Sweden and Denmark. That’s why the sometimes known as the Northmans.
What sort of people they where. The Viking’s were perfect physical specimens,blond and ruddy. They didn’t always raid villages.
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