“You’ve made your bed, now lie in it” Ps.51 exalts God’s mercy David is not concerned about consequences, but guilt No one appreciates mercy unless he understands the magnitude of his crime
David broke four of the last five commandments, Ex.20: I. The Revelry (2 Sm.11) Coveted, 17 Adultery, 14 Stole, 15 Murdered, 13 “David got by with it!”
Nathan the prophet A rich man stole a poor man’s lamb It’s easier to see someone else’s sins, even if ours are worse II. The Rebuke (2 Sm.12:1-6) David the saint David the sinner
I. The Revelry (2 Sm.11) II. The Rebuke (2 Sm.12:1-6) III. The Results (2 Sm.12:7-12, 14-15)
I. The Revelry (2 Sm.11) II. The Rebuke (2 Sm.12:1-6) III. The Results (2 Sm.12:6-12, 14-15) IV. The Repentance (2 Sm.12:13
I. The Revelry (2 Sm.11) II. The Rebuke (2 Sm.12:1-6) III. The Results (2 Sm.12:6-12, 14-15) IV. The Repentance (2 Sm.12:13) V. The Remorse (Ps.51)
1. Entreaty for God’s mercy, 1 Have mercy upon me according to your: Lovingkindness Multitude of tender mercies
Entreaty for God’s mercy, 1 Emphasis of God’s mercy, 1-4
Four words (vv. 1-4) 1. Transgressions, 1 Acknowledges, 3. Could not hide 2. Iniquity, 2 – offense against God’s law 3. Sin, 2. Sin is rebellion against God Always before him, 3 Against God, 4. Gn.39:9
God is... Just. Lk.23:41 Blameless. Ro.3:4 My sin Memory of sin Misery of sin
Transgressions, 1 Iniquity, 2 Sin, 2 4. Evil, 4 Injury, wrong “In your sight” Lk.15:21
Entreaty for God’s mercy, 1 Emphasis of God’s mercy, 1-4 Expression of God’s mercy, 1-12
1. Blot out, 1. Blot out, 1, 9 Ex.32:32 Col.2:14 2. Wash thoroughly, 2. Wash thoroughly, 2, 7 3. Purge, 3. Purge, 7. Lv.14:6-7; Is.1:18 4. Hear joy and gladness, 4. Hear joy and gladness, 8. Lk Hide face, 5. Hide face, 9 (3)
1. Blot out 2. Wash thoroughly 3. Purge 4. Hear joy and gladness 5. Hide face 6. Create a clean heart, 6. Create a clean heart, 10. Gn.1:1 7. Do not cast away, 7. Do not cast away, 11. Mt.16:26 8. Take H.S. from me, 8. Take H.S. from me, Sm.16: Restore, 9. Restore, 12. A leper is banished 10. Uphold, 10. Uphold, 12. Ps.40:8
Entreaty for God’s mercy, 1 Emphasis of God’s mercy, 1-4 Expression of God’s mercy, 1-12 Effects of God’s mercy, 13-17
1. Teach transgressors Your ways, 13. Lk.22:32 2. Sing aloud of Your righteousness, Open lips…praise, Broken and contrite heart, No sacrifice could atone. Only repentance (17) 1 Sm.15:22-23 No costly gift can replace a broken heart
Closer to home: Ro.5:6-10 “You’ve made your bed, now lie in it!” “You’ve made your bed, now lie in it!” Mk.2:9 Tit.3:5 Sinners 8 Helpless 6 Ungodly 6 Enemies 10