Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia …
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 3rd Proposition & Proof 5:1 – 6:10 Paul’s “proof” is the exhortations he gives the Galatian saints 5:13 – 6:10 Î Re: helping fallen-away brethren 6:1 Saints are to be concerned about brethren who have “fallen from grace” 5:4 How they treat, react to them is important to restoring them 2 Thess 3:6, 14-15
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 3rd Proposition & Proof 5:1 – 6:10 Paul’s “proof” is the exhortations he gives the Galatian saints 5:13 – 6:10 Î Re: helping fallen-away brethren 6:1 Spirit-led saints who seek to “restore” apostates do so being mindful of their own potential to fall…they possess a spirit of “gentleness” A “fruit of the Spirit” 5:23
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 3rd Proposition & Proof 5:1 – 6:10 Paul’s “proof” is the exhortations he gives the Galatian saints 5:13 – 6:10 Ï Re: helping faithful brethren 6:2-5 Saints are also to be concerned about their brethren’s “load” v. 2a Our connection in the body makes this necessary 1 Cor 12:26 Eph 4:25b
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 3rd Proposition & Proof 5:1 – 6:10 Paul’s “proof” is the exhortations he gives the Galatian saints 5:13 – 6:10 Ï Re: helping faithful brethren 6:2-5 Such “fulfills the law of Christ” v. 2b Yet, we are still responsible for ourselves individually…no conceit to think we can’t help others, be helped by others vv. 3-5
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 3rd Proposition & Proof 5:1 – 6:10 Paul’s “proof” is the exhortations he gives the Galatian saints 5:13 – 6:10 Ð Re: material blessings 6:6-10 Saints must be thoughtful of those who teach, labor in the word v. 6 1st century teachers traveled…didn’t take much with them Lk 9:1-4
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 3rd Proposition & Proof 5:1 – 6:10 Paul’s “proof” is the exhortations he gives the Galatian saints 5:13 – 6:10 Ð Re: material blessings 6:6-10 Even in the Roman empire, currency differed between regions & districts Thus, Paul exhorts to offer assistance to teachers of the word cp. 2 Jn 9-11
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 3rd Proposition & Proof 5:1 – 6:10 Paul’s “proof” is the exhortations he gives the Galatian saints 5:13 – 6:10 Ð Re: material blessings 6:6-10 Saints must show benevolence to all… esp. toward their brethren vv God expects His Spirit-led children to not grow weary re: “sowing & reaping”
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 3rd Proposition & Proof 5:1 – 6:10 Paul’s “proof” is the exhortations he gives the Galatian saints 5:13 – 6:10 Ð Re: material blessings 6:6-10 Sowing to the flesh (selfishness) and expecting to “reap eternal life” (spiritual) mocks the God who established the laws of sowing & reaping long ago “To treat with contempt; to thumb the nose at”
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia What if one could plant corn…
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia …and yield tomatoes?
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia Such would be “mocking” God (thumbing the nose at the process established long ago). God cannot be mocked. One cannot plant this… …and expect to get this.
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 3rd Proposition & Proof 5:1 – 6:10 Paul’s “proof” is the exhortations he gives the Galatian saints 5:13 – 6:10 Ð Re: material blessings 6:6-10 Paul had earlier warned the Galatians re: using their freedom selfishly 5:13 This certainly would include how they would use their material blessings
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 3rd Proposition & Proof 5:1 – 6:10 Paul’s “proof” is the exhortations he gives the Galatian saints 5:13 – 6:10 Ð Re: material blessings 6:6-10 If the saint has the opportunity, he has the obligation to help others (saint or sinner), share his material blessings with them 1 Tim 6:6-10, 17-19
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia Comments Re: Gal 6:10 During the days of division (1950’s & 60’s), liberally-minded brethren claimed this passage authorized local churches to help the needy among unbelievers They claim it addresses the church 1:2 Therefore, the church could (must) send contributions from its treasury to human institutions to assist orphans, etc.
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia Comments Re: Gal 6:10 This verses addresses the individual, not the local church 5:2, 7, 13, 15 6:1-10 The context speaks to individual actions… whether addressed singularly or in the plural Liberally-minded brethren who abused this passage (and continue to do so) re: helping unbelievers are wrong on 2 main points:
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia Comments Re: Gal 6:10 Ê The N.T. authorizes local churches to offer benevolence only to saints (believers) Acts 2:44-45 Acts 4:32-35 Acts 6:1-6 Acts 11:27-30 Rom 15: Cor 16:1-3 2 Cor 8:4 2 Cor 9:1, Tim 5:16
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia Local Church Comments Re: Gal 6:10 Ë Even if the N.T. authorized local churches to assist unbelievers from the treasury, where is the authority for this arrangement? Saint (Spirit-led) Human Institution Orphanage Home For The Elderly
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia Concluding The Epistle 6:11-18 Paul comments on the “large letters” with which he wrote v. 11 To make an emphatic point (like bolding or underlining text) Or possibly due to his physical condition previously alluded to 4:13, 15
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia Concluding The Epistle 6:11-18 Paul comments on the “large letters” with which he wrote v. 11 A point to remember…Paul often signed his epistles himself as a way to authenticate them 1 Cor 16:21 Col 4:18 2 Thess 3:17
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia Concluding The Epistle 6:11-18 Paul wanted the Galatians to know why the Judaizers really wanted them to be circumcised v. 12 It was to prevent their own persecution We should not take this to mean the Christians were persecuting the Judaizers (not Spirit-led activity)
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia Concluding The Epistle 6:11-18 Paul wanted the Galatians to know why the Judaizers really wanted them to be circumcised v. 12 Most likely, Judaizers were persecuted by more orthodox Jews who still did not believe Jesus to be the promised Messiah Acts 15:1, 5, 24
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia Concluding The Epistle 6:11-18 Still, the Judaizers showed their real hypocrisy v. 13 While demanding the Galatians (Gentiles) accept circumcision, they did not keep the Law themselves They only desired the Galatians’ flesh
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia Concluding The Epistle 6:11-18 Paul differed from the Judaizers v. 14 They boasted in the flesh Paul would only “boast” in the cross He emphasized the justifying death given for man in sin (not a “boastful” condition) Through this sacrifice, Paul was crucified to the world & vice versa 2:20 5:24
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia Concluding The Epistle 6:11-18 Paul’s final exhortation vv One final time, Paul states the irrelevance of circumcision v. 15a 5:6 1 Cor 7:19 All that really mattered was whether one was a “new creation” v. 15b 2 Cor 5:17 Gal 3:26-29 Rom 6:3-4
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia Concluding The Epistle 6:11-18 Paul’s final exhortation vv If the Galatians would adopt this simple rule, not only would their troubles re: the Judaizers vanish, they would also enjoy peace & mercy from God v. 16
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia Concluding The Epistle 6:11-18 Paul’s final request v. 17 “From now on, let no one cause trouble for me, for I bear on my body the brand marks of Jesus” He desired the Galatians no longer allow anyone to question his apostleship, nor attempt to discredit him
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia Concluding The Epistle 6:11-18 Paul’s final request v. 17 “From now on, let no one cause trouble for me, for I bear on my body the brand marks of Jesus” He had suffered enough…his “marks” proved genuine apostleship & he belonged to Jesus 2 Cor 4:8-10 Acts 14:19
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia …