Service-Learning Immersion Trips Eric Kyle, Ph.D. College of Saint Mary 1 An Intensive Impact in a Small Package Nebraska Campus Compact Symposium September 21, 2012
First trip in January 2007 Subsequent trips every Spring-break Most trips travelled to Laredo, TX –Students worked with Mercy Ministries in their Domestic Violence Shelter, Mobile Health Care Clinic, Food Pantry, and other programs 2 Background Border Experiences
Last year, we began travelling to El Paso These 5-day experiences (leave Saturday, return Thursday) have a powerful effect on students 3 Background Border Experiences
Budget-wise (10 students + 2 facilitators) –Originally: $8,000 –Last Year: $10,000 Sources: –Originally: Through grants (Midwest Consortium, VISTA?), fundraising, students –Now: Combination of in-house ($5K-$6K) and fundraising (silent auctions, product sales, donations), student contributions ($200/each) 4 Administrating Immersion Trips What does it take?
Recruiting Students –Interviewing Process – be careful who you take… Strong GPA, Personal motivation for the trip, Good references, Benefit from cross-cultural experiences, Good relational/conflict skills (facilitators too!) –Marketing/Advertising: Administration, Students, Faculty –Legalities: Waivers, Statements of Agreement (i.e., what constitutes “appropriate” behavior), Insurance 5 Administrating Immersion Trips What does it take?
Details, details, details… –Organizing the students: fundraisers, class- times, deposits & payments (scholarships?), carpooling to/from airport, packing, etc –Trip details: plane tickets, transportation once on site, agenda while there, costs, etc –Reporting once back: expense reports, student presentations, newsletters, thank you’s to donors, etc. 6 Administrating Immersion Trips What does it take?
Questions, Comments, Insights? 7