Access to Medicines Making Innovation work for the poor Corinna Heineke Diversity in Innovation European Patent Conference, Brussels, 15/16 May 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

Access to Medicines Making Innovation work for the poor Corinna Heineke Diversity in Innovation European Patent Conference, Brussels, 15/16 May 2007

Projected new cases of cancer by 2020 Source: WHO: World Cancer Report, 2006.

TRIPS-Flexibilities Compulsory Licensing Parallel Importing Early-working (Bolar) provision Definition of novelty (e.g. India)

Novartis in India Cancer drug Glivec Novartis challenges both Patent ruling and Section 3(d) of. Potential effects on other developing countries

Solutions for access to medicines from the corporate sector Voluntary Licensing Donation Programmes Tiered pricing – Differentiation between developed, developing and least- developed countries

Further solutions Medical Innovation Prize Funds Patent pooling Intergovernmental Working Group on Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property (WHO) Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative (Advance Market Commitments)

Thank you!