Nonverbal Communication By: Lauren Bates
Voice Keep it low and relaxed Avoid a soft or wavering tone Your voice carries you message Allow people to enjoy listening to and hearing what you are trying to say properly.
Body Keep your hands visible when seated. When standing, stand balanced and erect. Avoid rocking, leaning, stooping, and putting your hands on your hips. Folding your arms tight across your chest and standing with your feet wide apart communicate domination or aggression
Hands When talking, keep them somewhat still. Avoid touching your hair or face and clenching, pointing, or pounding your fists; these may signal self-consciousness and defensiveness.
Eyes Keep them focused on the eyes or face of the person(s) you are talking to. Staring for no reason can be intimidating. Winking or an expressive message with your eyes can be misconstrued by the other party.
Face Be conscious of your facial expressions: Grins Frowns Pouts The sensitive nerve endings in our noses act up when we are under stress, REFRAIN from touching, or rubbing your nose in front of people. This gesture is often interpreted as a sign that a person is lying!!!