Welcome to Room 169! We are racing towards success in Mrs. Parent’s 2 nd Grade Class!
RACE R – Respect A – Attitude C – Cooperate- Solve Problems E – Excellence- Try your best
First Day Of School! Making our Curriculum Night Invitations!!!
Some of our favorite parts in the classroom!
Quarter 1- Reading and Math Reading Level J Building comprehension skills such as connecting to the text, story elements, and genre. 30 Word wall Words Math /- facts in 5 minutes Adding and subtracting double digit numbers Can count to 999 and identify the 1’s, 10’s, and 100’s place. Collects data- organizes data into picture and bar graphs
What the different reading levels look like Level JLevel K
Reading Level Continued Level LLevel M
Quarter 1 Spelling Spelling Rotate Word Wall Words and Word family words Spelling Tic Tac Toe Wordle is available as a link on my webpage. Go to the district web site to access
Finding a Book at your child’s reading level The Five Finger Rule 1. Choose any page in your book. 2. Have your child begin reading. 3. Each time s/he comes to a word that s/he does not recognize, teach her/him to bend one finger or put it down on the table. 4. If s/he puts five fingers down before the end of the page, this book is too hard for independent reading. 5. Put it away and choose another book, or use the harder book to read together with your child. Your support and shared reading will help your child meet the challenge of unfamiliar words. 6. Teach your children to do this on her/his own, so s/he won’t get discouraged by too-hard texts.
Other Ways I can Help at Home… Read, Read, Read Rythming Games Flash Cards- words and facts Read aloud to your child Parent math packets- have extra extension activities Books on tape- starfall.com Keep journals at home Write comics Baking- following directions- sharing recipes with Mrs. Parent Graphing weekend activities Interviewing others Conversations- “So is this a fact or opinion?” How are you and your brother alike and different?” Making words- I have other phonetic games I will be sending home periodically to those you need added phonetic instruction
Other ways you can help the classroom and not even know it! Old books- donate them to our classroom library Birthday goody bags Guest readers- will be doing last Friday of every month- letter to come. Parent helpers are always welcome!!! Come in and celebrate your child’s birthday with us! I know it is a special day for them and you!!!
Classroom Scavenger Hunt Thank you for coming tonight! Please feel free to look around, and don’t leave without introducing yourself! Here are a few suggestions for areas you won’t want to miss: 1.Your child’s seat – can you find it? 2.Their letter about second grade. Please write them to them on the bear template for a great surprise tomorrow morning. 3.Classroom library 4.The sport cars on the front bulletin, with the children’s goals on them. 5.Our Author Study Bulletin on the back wall 6.Sign-up sheet for any volunteering you can do (big or small!) – at the table 7.“Chalk People” Projects in the hallway. 8.Our “Key Words Wall” 9.Please take a card before you leave – our small way of saying THANK YOU for coming! 10.SURPRISE!!! If you finished looking at all the other areas, please take one baggy for your child on the side table. Enjoy!