Child health Program in DPRK Child health Program in DPRK Mr. Pak Yong Nam MoPH DPR of Korea in Nepal Nov
1.Background data Population Population -Total: 24,05milion -Total: 24,05milion -Women:12,33million -Women:12,33million -1,369million under age five -1,369million under age five -under age five mortality rate: 26.7/ under age five mortality rate: 26.7/ Infant mortality rate: 19.3/ Infant mortality rate: 19.3/ IMCI has been introduced in 97 counties at 8 province -IMCI has been introduced in 97 counties at 8 province -IMCI survey has been conducted by central and -IMCI survey has been conducted by central and provincial IMCI team provincial IMCI team health care providers trained and IMCI pre health care providers trained and IMCI pre- service developed service developed
2.Goal of child health in DPRK 2.1 Goal -Improvement of child health and case management in PHC -To reduce the mortality rate and prevalence of major disease such as diarrhea, pneumonia, malnutrition, feverish disease, anemia -To propel children’s healthy growing and development
2.2 Specific Objective To increase the understanding IMCI plays an important role in decreasing the prevalence and mortality rate of children To increase the understanding IMCI plays an important role in decreasing the prevalence and mortality rate of children Improvement of health care system Improvement of health care system
3.Ordinary health indicators Mortality rate under 1year of age: 19.3/1 000 live birth(2008) Mortality rate under 1year of age: 19.3/1 000 live birth(2008) Rate of low birth weight: 5.7% Rate of low birth weight: 5.7% Malnutrition/ persons: low weight;18.8, weakness; 5.2% Malnutrition/ persons: low weight;18.8, weakness; 5.2% EPI coverage: EPI coverage: Malaria: proportion of children have gotten 7 kind of vaccine: 82.5% Malaria: proportion of children have gotten 7 kind of vaccine: 82.5% Removal of sources of major disease that cause of incidence and prevalence of childhood illness Removal of sources of major disease that cause of incidence and prevalence of childhood illness Increasing immunization rate and decreasing incidence and prevalence by CDs and parasitic disease. Increasing immunization rate and decreasing incidence and prevalence by CDs and parasitic disease.
4. Integrated Management of Child Illness MCH Project implemented : USD million each year MCH Project implemented : USD million each year UNCERF, Italy-fund support carried out UNCERF, Italy-fund support carried out County & Ri kit provided for first level of health care; distributed to 100 out of 208 county hospitals Ri clinic County & Ri kit provided for first level of health care; distributed to 100 out of 208 county hospitals Ri clinic Critical mass of trainer trained; health care provider trained through TOT traings and Cascade trainigs in 8 province Critical mass of trainer trained; health care provider trained through TOT traings and Cascade trainigs in 8 province Hundreds of undergraduates trained through pre-service training in 8 provincial medical universities Hundreds of undergraduates trained through pre-service training in 8 provincial medical universities
5. Key Results Breastfeeding -8 county hospitals are being prepared for BFHI, 805 health and non-health staff were trained -100,000 pregnant women and postnatal women are aware on on promotion of BF and CF through dissemination of booklets & leaflets.
Complementary feeding -32 health staff were trained on complementary feeding through support from HQ -10 guiding principles of complementary feeding adapted to local context for wide dissemination in 14 baby homes and focus county nurseries.
Multi-micronutrients: Vitamin A 1.5million children 6-59 months were supplemented with vitamin A through CHDs which was jointly observed with MoPH, Embassies and UN agencies 1.5million children 6-59 months were supplemented with vitamin A through CHDs which was jointly observed with MoPH, Embassies and UN agencies
CMAM Participation in the Joint FAO/WFP/UNICEF food and nutrition assessment & report Participation in the Joint FAO/WFP/UNICEF food and nutrition assessment & report Three proposals prepared CERF, AUSID, HAC Three proposals prepared CERF, AUSID, HAC Response of an integrated package targeting underlying causes of malnutrition prepared targeting the most 25 vulnerable food insecure counties. Response of an integrated package targeting underlying causes of malnutrition prepared targeting the most 25 vulnerable food insecure counties.
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