Joseph Klang Geography Capstone Seminar 401 April 13, 2015 Terrain Analysis Used To Aid in Search and Rescue Missions in Texas
How can terrain analysis aid in the use of unmanned aerial systems(UAS) for search and rescue purposes? Human-Environment tradition of Geography Research Question
A initial probable search area for a UAS to gather imagery Desired Results Develop a Hindrance Index to measure difficulty of travel Perform the path distance tool to determine difficulty of terrain Perform the cost path tool to develop a probable route Objectives Project Description
RPFlight Systems Mr. Gene Robinson Specialize in using UAS to aid in search and rescue processes UAS have revolutionized the search and rescue process Large areas covered in less time Search areas not accessible by ground teams Lack a predictability model Factoring in terrain of the environment Project Background
Hindrance Model Results still to come
Search Area
Path Distance Results
Least-Cost Path Results
Factoring in terrain can be hugely beneficial Incorporating GIS increases efficiency Develop accurate initial probable search areas Conclusion
Questions & Discussion