Stephen Halldorson
Contact Information Phone: Ext # 4498 Website:
Extra Help Availability Before School Room 154 At 7:15 During School Math Resource Center I am in the resource center during mod 10 After School Room 154 2:30-3:10
Grading Policy Marking Period Grades each) Homework 2 points each 1 Point for Late homework (next day) Quizzes 1-3 per chapter Between 20 and 40 points Tests 1 per chapter Between 75 and 100 points Participation Not formally included “benefit of doubt” on rounding at my digression will be given Quarterly Cumulative Tests Final (20%)
Test Corrections A week to complete Correct problem and explain mistake Up to 25% of points back
Grading Information To pass the class you must either Pass three marking periods or Pass two marking periods and the final As well as average at least 64% for the year
Course Syllabus Marking Period 1 Chapter 1: Exploring Data Chapter 2: Functions and Models Chapter 3: Transformations of Graphs and Data Marking Period 2 Chapter 6: Root, Power, and Logarithm Functions * Factoring Unit Chapter 9: Polynomial Functions *
Course Syllabus Marking Period 3 Chapter 4: Circular Functions * Chapter 5: Trigonometric Functions * Marking Period 4 Chapter 7: Probability and Simulation Chapter 8: Sequence, Series, and Combinations * Conics
Any Questions?