Welcome Back! “Knowing is using what we observe; some put it into practice and let it change their lives. Others don’t. That’s the difference between a novice and an expert.” - Borich, 2011
Today: Morning: Field Experience Reflection Lunch/Library Tour Afternoon: –Field Debrief - John Green –Wading into the Task Stream –Teacher Leaders Washington State –Wrap up (Field Notebook, Arts Retreat)
Fill in these sentence starters: 1. One way in which our school and its community intersect is … 2. Our school is a place where ….” 3. The teachers at our school get to …. 4. A special challenge faced by the students at our school is …. A Day of Reflection
Sharing In groups of four - six, with people who were in different schools: What stood out for you? Insights gained? Record 3 insights coming from at least 2 areas (community, school, classroom, student). Write one on the poster and pass it on. A Day of Reflection
Teacher Leader Half of the group leaves and a new half joins
Teacher Leader 1. What does it mean to be a teacher-leader? (Think/Pair/Share) 2. What attributes and skills do you need in order to take on such a role? 3. In what ways did you see teachers acting as leaders for change?
Meet Bob at the circulation desk on the 3 rd floor at 11:30 (K-8) or at 12:15 (Secondary). Don’t be late! Be back here at 1PM John Green Golden Apples Integration Project Gallery Walk Housekeeping Course Evaluation Library Tour with Bob Novak
Housekeeping…. Field Notebook Reminders - Q & A TEED 510 Reflection papers returned Please do the course evaluation on line when you get the …(?)