Event Management Trainer: Liz Pride
Learning Outcomes Describe the legal requirements of event planning Identify the major elements of Event Planning Complete a project plan for planning an event.
Things to Consider When Choosing Your Event Objective/purpose: What is the purpose of the event? Fundraising Networking? Consultation? Promotional/awareness raising? Giving information A combination of the above?
Target audience Who makes up the target audience? (How will you reach Members of the public? Voluntary Sector? Public Sector (businesses)? Members of the organisation? Supporters? Young people? The unemployed? People from diverse cultures and backgrounds? A combination? Things to Consider When Choosing Your Event cont
Date: This will depend mainly on the composition of your target audience: Things to consider: Daytime/lunchtime/evening? Weekday or weekend? The availability of the chosen Chairperson and keynote speakers The availability of the venue School term times Peak holiday periods What else has been organised locally and nationally which may clash? Things to Consider When Choosing Your Event cont
Budget: Cost considerations: Venue Staffing (Prior organisation and on the day itself) Travel Insurance Catering Marketing (Posters/flyers, website, printed tickets) Licences Sundries e.g. prizes
Things to Consider when Organising a Fundraising Event! Do any laws/regulations apply? Licence needed? Public liability Insurance required? Advertising- Where and when? Posters? Press release? Adverts? Parish Magazine? Tickets – printing and venues for selling. Is sponsorship possible? Admin – registration forms/databases etc Venue – accessibility. Health and Safety issues. Licence required? Parking. Maps. Are all required items available? (Cups, tea urns etc) Enough chairs?
Manpower – are all the tasks allocated to individuals? Timings Money – is a “ float required ” ? Think of the denominations. Who is responsible for collecting and counting (2) Security. Clearing up – who will do this? How will your group inform the public of the success of the event/the amount of money raised? Who will you need to thank? How will you do this? Things to Consider when Organising an Event! Cont.
Marketing Basics Effective publicity using plenty of “white space”, has large text and not too much of it, some clear visuals, and the event, time and place very prominently placed on the material. Sell the benefits of attending very clearly (not only to your organisation, but especially to the attendee)! The material needs to overcome the barrier of inertia in individuals....think how best to do that for your target audience. Always give a contact number for enquiries. It is a legal requirement that fundraising material should carry the charity and company limited by guarantee numbers
Action Plan 4: The Gantt Chart Promises Auction on 9 th November Area / week beginning 17-Aug24-Aug31-Aug07-Sep14-Sep21-Sep28-Sep05-Oct12-Oct19-Oct26-Oct02-Nov09-Nov Planning Write action plan Recruit Support and decide team roles Team planning meeting Book auctioneer Team meeting to review progress Team meeting for pre-event prep Final team meeting Event! Venue Check venue availability Choose date Book venue and catering Double check venue and catering details with ticket numbers Publicity Design Draft flyer and posters Flyer finalised and printed Flyer and poster distributed Get sponsorship for auction brochure Press release and Radio interview Print promises list in brochure Distribute brochure at event Gathering promises Start gathering promises Gathering promises Gather promises Finish Gathering promises Tickets Draft ticket design Ticket design finalised and printed Sell tickets Sell tickets on door (if catering allows) Legal issues and evaluation Check legal issues Apply for event Licences if necessary Check out H & S requirement s Complete documente d risk assessment Evaluation meeting after the event for review and debrief
WhatWhyHowWhoWhenResources Book venue and practical arrangements Need to be clear about dates in advance - Review possible venues with whole team - Contact possible venues - Check availability of caterers - Book Auctioneer Tom By 31 st August May need a deposit for the booking? Marketing Need to publicise event - Flyer - Poster - Article in paper Dick 31 st Aug 12 Oct Printing and postage costs? Design costs? Gathering promises Need to have promises to auction to fundraise at the event - Approach team members - Approach family and friends - Advert in Parish magazines - Write to large companies - Approach local shops All team 31 st Aug- 12 th Oct Travelling expenses??? Tickets Need to have tickets to sell for the event to raise funds - Design tickets - Get tickets printed - Sell tickets Harry All team 24 th Aug 31 st Aug 7 th Sept- 25 th Oct Printing costs? Legal Issues To conform to legal requirements - Check legal issues - Apply for any licences - Check out H & S requirements - Complete documented risk assessment - Public Liability insurance Jane By 21 st Sept Insurance costs? Evaluation To measure success (and failures) - Count monies raised - Review feedback received - Review difficulties experienced All team Week after the event Action Plan – The Table Auction of Promises on 9 th November
Legal Considerations Alcohol Temporary Event Notice Temporary Event Notices are for temporary events involving licensable activities. Such activities can include the sale of alcohol. Unlike a Premises Licence, you do not have to advertise the application. A Temporary Event Notice costs £ Cheques should be made payable to Oxford City Council.
Procedure for Submitting a Temporary Event Notice Online forms on the City Council website Applications for Temporary Event Notices must Be given ten clear working days (being Monday - Friday) before the event. Some venues already have an alcohol licence, but if not, you will need to apply in advance to the council Large-scale events Temporary Event Notices cannot be used for events of more than 500 people. If you are planning such an event, you will need to obtain a Premises Licence if the premises are not already licensed. Please contact the Licensing Authority to discuss the requirements further.
Public Entertainment Licence Local Government Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1982 Where two or more people are performing and or/dancing is involved a licence is required Halls and Community Centres usually have their own licence but check. Health and Safety Issues For every event there must be a competent, named organiser A documented risk assessment is required Evacuation procedures must be identified Medical provision must be made
Regulations around Raffles, Lotteries and Tombolas etc Gambling Act 2005 If selling printed raffle tickets in advance of the date of the draw must register as Small Society Lottery with the Local Authority. Registration operates on a calendar year and costs £ 40 for the first year, and £ 20 for every year thereafter. After each lottery held, a “ lottery submission ” must be made to the Local Authority within three months of the date of the lottery on a “ Small Society Lotteries Return Form ”.
Ticket Information Tickets must state: The name of the organisation on whose behalf the lottery is promoted The price of the ticket The name and address of the member of the organisation responsible for the promotion The fact that the organisation is registered with the Local Authority The date of the draw
Private, Work or Residents’ Lotteries No permit/licence required if: No proceeds from the event will be used for private gain The lottery is promoted wholly for a charitable purpose Not more than £500 deducted for the cost of prizes Not more than £100 deducted for the cost of other expenses (printing tickets etc) Tickets only sold during the event and on the premise where the event is held The results will be made public while the event is taking place.
Risk Assessments for the Event HazardLikelihood Action to minimise risk Trip hazard of projector cables on floor High as cables in audience thoroughfare a)Cover cable in heavy cable tubing b)Place visible warning sign at start of thoroughfare
Risk Assessment for Event Project Itself ObjectiveWhat could prevent its achievement (variance) The result of the variance How this variance could be prevented/an d or addressed Holding a fundraising Garden Party Significant rain prior to, and on the day. People not buying tickets prior to the event, or turning up on the day. Have an indoor venue as back-up and state this on the tickets