Getting it Right and Getting Along! Effective Decision Making for Umpires
Elements of Effective Decision Making Technical Environmental
Technical Knowledge of the Laws, Spirit of the Laws, Rules, Policies Deciding when to intervene – Game Sense Interpersonal Skills – effective communication Positioning Co-operation with other officials, coaches, players
Environmental Education, training, preparation – when and how Coaching (instruction, feedback, assessment) Relationships with coaches, athletes, administrators, other officials, media, sponsors Competition support (codes of conduct, tribunals, zero tolerance abuse policy) Travel, recognition, rewards
The Expectations of the Environment Effective Umpiring - Hockey Concentration Role Models Physical and mental fitness, appearance Consistency and commonsense Sensitivity and confidence Co-operation with each other
The Expectations of the Environment AFL Be consistent Be professional and prepared – fitness, image Have empathy for the players Demonstrate ‘game sense’ Bounce straight Take control when required Let the game flow if possible
Effective Umpiring in the AFL Have a sound knowledge of laws Make good position Remain calm and composed Focus on the right things at the right time Treat players with respect - do not embarrass them Use interpersonal skills - listen, penalise actions not characters, selectively ignore
Laws & the role of the coach/player? To understand the rules/laws as they relate to them To develop strategies to exploit the rules in their favour To compete in a manner that delivers the most favourable result to them
Laws and the role of the umpire? To set the boundary? To police the boundary? To manage the boundary? ‘The spirit of the law rewards fair play’
What is the role of the umpire? Definitely to manage the boundary – in relation to the laws and their application the umpire is both a leader and manager on the field ‘The spirit of the law rewards fair play’
The best decisions are likely to be made when… Officials, coaches, athletes and administrators, media, parents…. Know their role Accept their role Perform their role
The Coaching Process Use video whenever possible - Avoid what ifs? Balance individual vs group feedback Create a positive environment Understand how the individual ‘learns’