Fitness for Life Overview
Meet the Staff… Mr. Peifer Mr. Ruczynski Ms. Hennessey Ms. Hahn Mr. Cop Ms. Bryant Mrs. Goff
Locker Rooms Lockers are used during class only! Your lock and belongings must be removed at the end of class. If something get stolen and there was no lock on the locker, we can not help you…Lock your things! You can not leave your belongings in the bleachers. Your locker room will be assigned by your teacher.
Expectations: Be Respectful! Try Your Best! (Even though it means you DO NOT deserve an A)
Cell Phones No cell phones in class Unless required for an activity
Lateness Be on time! You have 10 minutes from when the bell rings for your period to get changed and be in your squad line.
Bathroom There is time built into the schedule before/after class to use the bathroom. Do not ask to go during class!
Profanity, Inappropriate and Disrespectful Behavior Using profanity or inappropriate language is not tolerated. Inappropriate gestures/behavior is not tolerated Disrespectful behavior is not tolerated
Food and Drink You many not have any food or drinks (except water) in class. You may have a bottle of water with you in class at any time.
Consequences: If you don’t meet the previous expectations: 1st time:Warning and loss of 4 points from grade. 2nd time: You receive a zero for the class and are told to sit out. 3rd Time:You will be written up.
Uniforms You must be in an approved combination of the GCIT uniform to receive full credit. (See syllabus for pricing) You can not alter the uniform in any way. Otherwise it is not considered in uniform. Sneakers must be worn, you may not participate otherwise. Not in GCIT uniform shirt or sweatshirt (-5 points) Not in GCIT uniform shorts or sweatpants (-5 points)
Late Assignments: Assignments must be turned in on time! 10 points will be deducted for each school day an assignment is late.
Grading Your daily grade is based on 20 points Points are deducted from your grade for not meeting the expectations of the class.
Missing Class Medical – Make-up allowed with a note from a doctor or the school nurse. Absent – Make-up allowed School Field Trip – No make-up required with documentation College Visit – No make-up required with documentation Not dressed – No make-up allowed
Making up a missed class Students may come before or stay after school and use the fitness center to make-up a missed day of class. (Hours are 6:30a to 8:00a and 3:00p to 8:00p) 1 hour of exercise will make up 1 missed class (max 2 hours a day) You must get the correct form signed at the desk in the fitness center to receive credit. Long term medical see your teacher.
Not dressing for class If you choose not to dress for class and sit out, you will receive a zero for that day. You must sit in the bleachers in the gym your class is in and may only work on other written work. This day cannot be made up.
Grading Breakdown 60% ParticipationDaily Fitness activities, Daily Health activities, Daily Swimming activities, Homework 30% Tests/QuizzesFitness Testing, Swim Fitness Testing, Health Test and Quizzes 10% ProjectsBlog, Projects, Group work
Course Overview Week 1:Purchase uniforms Understand Course Expectations Sign syllabus Learn squad lines Pre-Fitness Testing Beep Test Sit-ups Push-ups Sit and Reach
Course Overview Weeks 2 – 6: Outdoor Activities Frisbee Softball Flag Football Soccer Fitness Center *Jr’s and Sr’s will have a fitness option during outside sports. This is a privilege that will allow students to work on cardiovascular fitness instead of sport activities. See syllabus for further info.
Course Overview Weeks 7 – 8 : Health in classroom Freshmen: Wellness, Nutrition, Reproduction, Stress Mgmt, Character Sophomores: Driver Education Juniors: CPR, First Aid, Lifeguarding Seniors:Drugs, Childbirth, Contraception, Values, Sexuality, Dating Violence, Sex abuse
Course Overview Week 9-10: Indoor Fitness for Life Volleyball Badminton Basketball Archery (Jr and Sr only) Modified Hockey Midterm Fitness Assessment (Test Grade!) Beep Test Sit-ups Push-ups Sit and Reach
Course Overview Week 11-12: Pool Freshman (Stroke development) Sophomores (Refining strokes and aquatic games) Juniors (Lifeguarding or aquatic fitness) Seniors (Aquatic Fitness)
Pool Expectations: You are required to swim.. Males – Must be appropriate swim attire (no mesh shorts) Females – 1 piece preferred, or a 2-piece with colored tank top over top. Bring in shampoo, soap, flip-flops, towel, goggles, and plastic bags for wet clothes. How to get points if any of the above conditions occur...
Pool Expectations: If you choose not to swim: See “Not dressing for class” If you cannot swim because of the following: Medical:Excuses must come from appropriate doctor. Menstrual cycle :If you have your while swimming, you must have a parent call, or write a note to your teacher verify the excuse and dates out.
Pool Expectations: If you can’t swim for a previously stated condition: It must be verified with documentation Bring your gym uniform to class with sneakers. You will be jogging/running an increasing set number of laps in the bleachers while the students swim. Your points will be based on the number of laps completed during your set time.
Course Overview Weeks : Repeat Health Weeks : Repeat Indoor Fitness for Life Weeks : Repeat Pool *Please note your rotation may start with either Health, Indoor PE or Pool.
These are Fitness for Life’s Expectations for Class. We promise to have fun, work hard, and respect you! We hope you promise the same… Please print out and have you and a parent sign the sheet stating you understand our Fitness for Life Expectations. This is your first 25 point assignment! Due Thursday 9/10