Dyce Academy The Junior Phase S1 – S3
Scotland’s qualifications system is changing to meet the needs of learners in the 21st century and to reflect Curriculum for Excellence where children will be learning across different subject areas from the age of 3 to 18. LTScotland.org.uk Dyce Academy
The 3-18 curriculum aims to ensure that all children and young people in Scotland develop the attributes, knowledge and skills they will need to flourish in life, learning and work. The knowledge, skills and attributes learners will develop will allow them to demonstrate four key capacities – to be successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors.
Dyce Academy Junior Phase Nursery – S3 Senior Phase S4 – S 6 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 National 4 National 5 Higher Advanced Higher
Curriculum Areas The eight curriculum areas that ensure that learning takes place across a broad range of contexts are: · Expressive arts · Health and wellbeing · Languages ( English & Modern Language) · Mathematics · Religious and moral education · Sciences · Social studies · Technologies
S3 Options All pupils will take the following curriculum areas: Languages: English Modern Language Mathematics Plus Core PE ; RMPS ; PSE; Skills for Work
Personal Choice Expressive Arts Health & Well-Being SciencesSocial Studies TechnologiesFree Choice Art & Design Dance Drama Music Photography Child Development Hospitality PE-Aesthetic PE- Sport Sports Leader Biology Chemistry Physics Business Enterprise History Geography Modern Studies Social Studies Business Info Technology Computing & Soft – Ware Development Design & Manufacture Engineering Science Graphic Communication Introduction to Textiles One Choice from any of the columns
Assessment & Reporting No SQA presentation in S3 A range of assessments to take place throughout the year Achievements and progress recorded and reported
The Senior Phase National 4 and 5 qualifications – to replace Standard Grade and Intermediate qualifications in the current system from 2013/14 Formal recognition of Literacy and Numeracy through the new qualifications system – as Units within English and Mathematics courses and as a stand-alone option. The current qualifications at Access, Higher and Advanced Higher level will remain but they will be reviewed to ensure that they reflect the ideas behind Curriculum for Excellence.
What will be Different/Better? There’s more focus on knowledge and skills – including vital skills, literacy and numeracy, which underpin all learning and are critical in life. Children will learn how to learn and how to use their learning, not just memorise information to pass tests. This will help them adapt in an uncertain future with the ability to think for themselves, make sound judgements, challenge, enquire and find solutions. Learners will work at a pace that suits, with enough challenge and support to stretch them. Learners will experience a broad, deep, general education to S3, with options in the senior phase to specialise, go on to further study, improve skills and get work experience.
Timeline Tuesday 13 DecS2 Curriculum Evening. Information about the change in qualifications and to the curriculum outlined to parents. Friday 25 Feb 2012 S2 Reports issued to parents along with Choice Process pack including choice sheet Thursday March S2 Parents Information Evening Tuesday March S2 Parents Evening. The Careers Officer will also attend this evening and is available for consultation. Friday 16 MarchS2 course choices submitted by pupils to school
Useful Information