In our country we have lots of famous and succesful sportmen. Athletics is one of types of sport, which is done by lots of people in Czech Republic.
FAMOUS SPORTMEN IN OUR HISTORY: Emil Zátopek ( ) – famous runner, he won the Olympics four times Dana Zátopková (1922) – Zátopek´s wife, javelin thrower Jan Železný (1966) – javelin thrower, he won the Olympics four times
CONTEMPORARY FAMOUS ATHLETES: Jaroslav Hedvičák – young promising runner
Roman Šebrle – world recordman in decathlon, in 2004 winner of the Olympics, european champion twice in hepthatlon, world champion in heptahtlon 2001 and 2004
Zuzana Hejnová - famous czech runner, world champion 2013, medailist of the Olympics in 2012
Lenka Masná – czech runner, czech champion
Barbora Špotáková - famous czech athlete competing in the javelin, double olympic winner in Peking in 2008 and in London in 2012
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