Make dialogues on a spot, without preparation. Use active vocabulary from the topics ‘Services’ and ‘Shopping’!
At the Post Office Student A You need to send a parcel to the UK via airmail. Student B At your post office sending parcels via airmail is currently out of service because of the financial problems with the aviation carrier company. Try to convince the client to use other types of parcel delivery.
At the Bank Student A You lost your plastic card. You need to block it and order a new one. However, you would like to have the same PIN on a new card. Student B Try to satisfy the needs of the client, but explain to him/her that a new card will come together with a new PIN for the sake of the client’s financial safety.
At the Photographer’s Student A You need to have your photo for a Shengen Visa taken. You have a list of all specifications necessary for this type of visa. You inform the photographer about them. Student B You ignore all the specifications and take a very creative photo just because you consider yourself to be a real artist. The client is furious. Try to settle the conflict down…
At the Insurance Company Student A You need to open a medical insurance for a two-week period while you are going to be on a business trip to Italy. Student B Offer your client to open a Euro-Zone-insurance instead of only-one-country insurance so as your client will be able to get medical care even if he/she decides to travel to a neighboring country for a weekend.
At the Shoe Shop Student A You bought a wonderful pair of shoes for special occasions yesterday, and only at home you realized that both shoes are left. Student B Try to explain to the client that such a thing happened because of too fussy atmosphere at the shop (new shoe collection arrival). Apologize and make a discount for the next purchase.
At the Hairdresser’s Student A During your visit to the hairdresser’s the hairdresser / barber spoke too much with her / his colleagues and occasionally shaved out a bald patch on your head. Student B Try to save your reputation by all means. Offer a hair extension, a wig, a life-long discount, etc.
At the Driving Lessons Student A You occasionally bumped into a car while taking a driving lesson. You think it’s not your fault, because the instructor shouted to you to accelerate and you did exactly what he wanted you to do. Moreover, he had an extra-break pedal, which he didn’t use… Student B You are furious. Your student is stupid. You want him / her to cover the expenses.
At the Car Wash Student A When you returned from the car wash, you found out that there was a large crack on the wind screen. You got back to the car wash because you believe it was their fault. You want them to cover the expenses. Student B You are sure that a damage couldn’t be done at your car wash. You believe that the client could get it, for example, on his way home or anywhere else.