Learn IT Teach IT, Reap the Rewards
Facilitate debate amongst education leaders Education Focused Solutions & Product Teams Professional Development Certifications Licensing Donated PC’s Research Grants (MSR) Partnerships and Grants with Government IT Curriculum & Dev Tools Curriculum Materials, Lesson Plans, Teaching Tools StudentsParentsEducators Management & Administration What is Microsoft doing? Innovative Teachers Network
Skills Development “Learn IT Teach IT” resources on CD-ROM
Recognition and Reward Innovative Teacher’s Award
What is an Innovative Teacher? 1.Exemplary and innovative use of education technology in teaching and learning; 2.Exceptional educational talent as evidenced by outstanding instructional practices in the classroom, school, and profession; 3.Demonstration of an engaging and inspiring presence that motivates and impacts students, colleagues, and the community.
.NET Passport Sign-inHelp E- m ail A d dr es s P as s w or d Si gn m e in au to m ati ca lly. Don't have a.NET Passport? Get one now. Don't have a.NET Passport? Get one now.
More information Who is eligible? Any teacher (primary, secondary, government, non government) Who will see your work? Judging panel Other teachers, if you give permission When will submissions close? 15 th July When will winners be announced? 1 st August
Let’s Go to Seoul! When? November 8-11, 2005 Where? Seoul, Korea What do I need? A current passport (& appropriate visas if not on an Australian passport) and permission to travel out of the country if you are a government teacher in a state which requires it. More information?
Summary Training and Curriculum resources for teachers “Learn IT Teach IT” CD-ROM In bag Reward and Recognition Innovative Teacher’s Award – sharing ideas and achieving recognition within your school, amongst your peers and within the broader community of parents, students, and the community at large