Independent Reading Log IRL
Two Parts of a Reading Response Summary of what you read Response to a prompt
Format of IRL: Independent Reading Log BOOK Title# Pages Read# of Minutes Stacy Stacy Stacy total: 100 min Charles Pinckney Elementary 3300 Thomas Cairo Blvd Mount Pleasant, SC Dear Mrs. Long, This week I read a book called Stacy. Stacy was not the smartest girl in her class, and she got very nervous when it was time to take tests. One day, she almost cheated by looking off her neighbors paper! Stacy thought about it, but she knew better, and completed the test on her own. After grades were handed out a couple days later she found out she passed with a high B! Stacy’s confidence went up, especially because she knew she made the right choice by doing the work herself. I think the author intended to write this story to help influence students and the decisions they make. I think the author wanted to show that everyone sometimes struggles when given an opportunity and it’s up to them to make the right choice. Sincerely, Molly Parent Signature: _______________________________________________
1. Summary ◦ This is a summary of the part of the book that you read at home this week. If you read 50 pages, summarize that part for your response. 2. Responding to a prompt ◦ Choose one prompt to respond to and answer it. Be sure to pick a different prompt for each entry. Two Parts of a Reading Response
Part 1: Summary Write 4-6 sentences in friendly letter format which tell me about the important parts of the book you are reading at home. 5 W’s: Who, What, Where, When, Why? Charles Pinckney Elementary 3300 Thomas Cairo Blvd Mount Pleasant, SC Dear Mrs. Long, This week I read a book called Stacy. Stacy was not the smartest girl in her class, and she got very nervous when it was time to take tests. One day, she almost cheated by looking off her neighbors paper! Stacy thought about it, but she knew better, and completed the test on her own. After grades were handed out a couple days later she found out she passed with a high B! Stacy’s confidence went up, especially because she knew she made the right choice by doing the work herself.
Part 2: Response Choose one of the prompts to answer. I recommend putting a check mark or slash through the number of the one you choose. Independent Reading Log Responses: Choose one of the following to respond and answer based on your reading completed for each week, be sure to choose a different one every week!! EVALUATION 58. Who do you think the author intended to read this book and why? 59. If you could only save one character from the book in the event of a disaster, which one would it be and why? 60. Is the title a good one or a poor one and why? 61. Did you like the way the story ended? Why or why not? 62. Which character in the book would you choose for a friend? Why? 63. What did you think was the most interesting part of the book? Why? 64. Tell about the most exciting part of the book. being sure to give at least three reasons why.
Part 2: Response Charles Pinckney Elementary 3300 Thomas Cairo Blvd Mount Pleasant, SC Dear Mrs. Long, This week I read a book called Stacy. Stacy was not the smartest girl in her class, and she got very nervous when it was time to take tests. One day, she almost cheated by looking off her neighbors paper! Stacy thought about it, but she knew better, and completed the test on her own. After grades were handed out a couple days later she found out she passed with a high B! Stacy’s confidence went up, especially because she knew she made the right choice by doing the work herself. I think the author intended to write this story to help influence students and the decisions they make. I think the author wanted to show that everyone sometimes struggles when given an opportunity and it’s up to them to make the right choice. Sincerely, Molly Parent Signature: _______________________________________________
IRL DUE DATES MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30