2014 Prince William Sound SeaRiver Maritime Exercise CDR Benjamin J. Hawkins CG Marine Safety Unit Valdez
2014 Prince William Sound SeaRiver (ExxonMobil) Exercise September participant exercise Change of ICP & transition of FOSC authority Approximately 56 hour exercise * 2010 SeaRiver Exercise, 2013 Port Valdez PREPEX, 2013 Polar Tankers Exercise lessons learned influenced exercise design & development of objectives
2010 Prince William Sound SeaRiver Exercise Lessons Learned ARRT full participation vital to obtain lessons learned & best practices U/C & ARRT process for submissions & approvals ARRT request for approval unclear ARRT required documentation for approval unclear Timeframes required by ARRT for appropriate deliberations unclear Entire process for submissions & approvals unclear ARRT full participation vital to obtain lessons learned & best practices U/C & ARRT process for submissions & approvals ARRT request for approval unclear ARRT required documentation for approval unclear Timeframes required by ARRT for appropriate deliberations unclear Entire process for submissions & approvals unclear
2010 Prince William Sound SeaRiver Exercise Lessons Learned ARRT role & timing in Place of Refuge decision unclear How to physically or virtually move data to ARRT unclear No engagement with NOAA in ARRT process ARRT role & timing in Place of Refuge decision unclear How to physically or virtually move data to ARRT unclear No engagement with NOAA in ARRT process
2014 Prince William Sound SeaRiver Exercise Objectives ARRT objectives test U/P, SACP & ADEC Tanker Plan Demonstrate the ability to develop and execute effective primary and alternative strategies and technologies and successfully process the plan(s) through the Alaska Regional Response Team (ARRT), as required, for approval. Test the implementation of the Unified Plan Dispersant Use Policy and Procedures. Test the IMT’s ability to mobilize dispersant capability to the scene, including the necessary logistical arrangements.
2014 Prince William Sound SeaRiver Exercise Objectives Test the ability of Unified Command to make a decision about the use of dispersant in a Case-by-Case approval zone (in U.S. waters) using the policy described in the Unified Plan in coordination with the ARRT. Additional objectives test : RSC process PPOR process ESA Section 7 Consultation process Historic Property Consultation process Tribal Consultation process
We Need Full ARRT Participation & Commitment Opportunity to test & evaluate ARRT Dispersant Use Process Opportunity to test many SACP and U/P processes Benefits Supports lessons learned and best practices Supports SACP and U/P prioritization and revision efforts Opportunity to practice so we are well prepared ARRT Participation required to accurately test objectives Level of commitment required by 15JUN