Name, Surname, Position Event, Date, Place LIFE Environment.


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Presentation transcript:

Name, Surname, Position Event, Date, Place LIFE Environment

Name, Surname, Position Event, Date, Place “ … to contribute to the development of innovative and integrated techniques and methods, and to the further development of Community environment policy” Objective Article 4 of LIFE Regulation

Name, Surname, Position Event, Date, Place LIFE-Environment projects - 1 Demonstration projects Transferability and dissemination Clear link with EU policy/legislation

Name, Surname, Position Event, Date, Place LIFE-Environment projects - 2 Around 1,550 projects co-financed since 1992 Contributing €1,640 million to the development of innovative environmental projects and protection of the environment Project duration: usually years Total project budget: usually € 1,000, ,000,000 Preparatory Action Programme: up to €6,000,000 annually to preparation of projects on selected themes

Name, Surname, Position Event, Date, Place Land-use development and planning (319 projects ) Impact of economic activities (487) Water management (287) Waste management (301) Integrated production policy (149) LIFE-Environment: thematic areas Proportion of projects by theme (1992 – 2006)

Name, Surname, Position Event, Date, Place Urban environment Air quality and noise abatement Integrated Coastal Zone Management Land-use development and planning Aim To promote the integration of environmental and sustainable development considerations into land-use development and planning Fields of action

Name, Surname, Position Event, Date, Place Impact of economic activities Aim To minimise the environmental impacts of economic activities Fields of action Clean technologies Integrated environment management Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions Sustainable tourism

Name, Surname, Position Event, Date, Place Water management Aim To support the protection and improvement of water resources Fields of action Wastewater treatment Water supply – water quality – ground water protection Water management at river basin scale Diffuse and dispersed pollution sources

Name, Surname, Position Event, Date, Place Waste management Aim The prevention, reuse, recovery and recycling of waste of all kinds and sound management of waste streams Fields of action Packaging and plastics Hazardous or problematic waste Waste important in volume

Name, Surname, Position Event, Date, Place Aim To reduce the environmental impact of products through an integrated approach to the production, distribution, consumption and handling at the end of lifetime Fields of action Eco-design, eco-efficiency, green financial products Eco-labelling Integrated product policy - 2

Name, Surname, Position Event, Date, Place 464 proposals for LIFE-ENV funding 50 LIFE-ENV projects selected in… 14 countries Total investment: €214 million EU contribution: €66 million New projects in 2006

Name, Surname, Position Event, Date, Place Projects “expected to generate significant income” can only be funded at 30% of eligible costs –Can be actual revenue or reduction of operational costs –Timescale runs beyond close of project –Includes project partners –Beneficiary must match Commission’s contribution –“Go-NoGo exercise” Land purchase costs are not eligible LIFE-Environment: specific provisions

Name, Surname, Position Event, Date, Place After-LIFE communications plan Long-term environmental benefits Go/No-Go exercise LIFE-Environment: specific contractual requirements