San Francisco Estuary Project
Partners & Organizational Structure THE BAY INSTITUTE Citizens Committee to Complete the Refuge
Encompasses 1,600 square miles Encompasses 1,600 square miles Drains 40% of the State – over 60,000 square miles Drains 40% of the State – over 60,000 square miles Sustains rich communities of fish and wildlife Sustains rich communities of fish and wildlife Provides drinking water to 23 million Californians Provides drinking water to 23 million Californians Irrigates 4.5 million acres of farmland Irrigates 4.5 million acres of farmland Supports important economic activities Supports important economic activities SF Estuary
Comprehensive Conservation And Management Plan (CCMP) 1993: CCMP developed by over 100 private, government, and community stakeholders 2007: CCMP update over 18 months The CCMP: Assesses problems facing our estuarine environment Make corrective recommendations Suggest schedules for when these problems 27 other NEPs
67,000 acres of wetlands have been acquired and are being restored Accomplishments by Program Partners 1993 to 2008:
Public Access, i.e. Bay Trail through Burlingame Accomplishments
Long Term Management Strategy has addressed many problems associated with dredging in SF Bay Accomplishments
Identification of impaired waterbodies, i.e. the South Bay Accomplishments 1993 to 2008
Encouragement of Water Conservation Strategies Water Saving Devices Drought Resistant Landscaping Accomplishments 1993 to 2008
Monitoring Studies Around the Bay and Estuary Accomplishments 1993 to 2008
Vulnerability analysis and adaptation needed around the Bay New Challenges
Delta Smelt Salmon New Challenges Declining Fish Populations
Invasive Species Invasive Spartina Quagga Mussel New Challenges
Urban Runoff Agricultural Runoff Trash /Persistent Pollution New/Persistent Pollution Challenges: Pharmaceuticals Oil Spills photo by Veronica Sullivan
Agriculture Drinking Water The Environment /Persistent Flow New/Persistent Flow Challenges
Invasive Species Invasive Spartina Outreach signage and various educational publications Programs to Meet the New Challenges
Climate Ready Estuary Pilot US EPA Office of Water and Office of Research & Develop. BCDC Vulnerability assessment and adaptation plan addressing the goals/objectives of the CCMP
Pollution Reduction: Boater Education Outreach at the Boat Shows Programs to Meet the New Challenges
Pesticide Pollution Reduction Programs to Meet the New Challenges
Erosion Control Workshops Programs to Meet the New Challenges
Green Infill-Clean Stormwater
Wetlands Clean Up and Restoration Clapper Rail Wetland Restoration Programs to Meet the New Challenges Small Grants Program
Programs to Meet the New Challenges Stream Protection Policy
Programs to Meet the New Challenges Conferences, Reports, Newsletters, Websites
San Francisco Estuary Project