September 28,
+ - 2 nd number lines, counting, clocksMoney coin recognition 3 rd place value knowledge increasing subtraction skills, number line, vocabulary from the previous grade, money Place decreased, money coins, 4 th place value strong, facts, patterns, subtraction, because of number line, Weak at number lines, arrays, 5 th students talking more, some exposure helped,(4 th ) enjoying math more, displaying multiple strategies,
End of the Unit Assessment- Student Work Samples How does the lack of number sense relate to the “Real World”? ed Tens for Fives? lated
Look at Grade 4 EOU Pretest * What is the criteria for Problem 1 letter A, B, and C? Problem 2 letter A,B? data, * Do they remember arrays? (Taught in the prior grade) * How do these lead to planning for differentiation in upcoming lessons/units. * Other purposes? * What valuable student information can you get out of them?
1. How many points do you decide to give each question? 2. Determine which part of the question is the most important. 3. Make sure the point value is fair and able to be converted to a percentage/ or numeric grade. 4 How do we ensure that parents will understand your justifications and reasoning behind the grade that was given to their child? Can you validate the scoring process that you decided to use?
In grade levels generate a rubric for your EOY Unit 1 assessment. Share Rubrics 2 nd, 3 rd, 5 th, Was the grading process fair? Was the Rubric clear?
How would I develop a numeric grade from Rubrics and open- ended questions? How/What grading system do you currently use? ( Multiple choice, open-ended, and What format do you use? Classroom/Grade-level Share rubric examples and how a final grade was decided.
2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th
*Open Number line A. Practice Problems B. Differentiation is used? Algorithm, hundreds chart. C. Breaking the number apart to make them more user friendly. D. Mimio- Hundred Board. E. Share ideas/ Produce F. Practice the strategies
Use mimio!
2 nd 95 – 26 = 3 rd 134 – 76 = 4 th 606 – 147 = 5 th 4,070 – 1065 =
Interactive Hundreds Board -number-chart-one.html -number-chart-one.html lmaths/countersquare.html lmaths/countersquare.html lmaths/interactivenumbergrids.html lmaths/interactivenumbergrids.html
Look at the Benchmarks at the back of the teacher manual. Discuss what is meeting, partially meeting, and not meeting the benchmark. After discussing the benchmarks, create a rubric with your grade level. Grade 3 Unit 1 or Unit 3 Grade 4 Unit 5 M29 Grade 5 Unit 3
5 th - up to 3 digit by 2 digit mult/div Clear and concise notation Correct answer Added higher-level question on for remainder 4 th - discussed question Parent issue w/ 2 question assessment Breaking task into parts “differentiated assessment” 7 jumps of 100 vs 1 jump of 700 Clear and concise notation
3 rd - expectations for students Strategies- use their own strategy Correct answer Not finishing problem– partial? Not meeting benchmark- not clear thinking 2 nd - end of unit assessments Adding more to be more comprehensive Supplementing w/ additional problems/assessments More alignment to Essential Standards/NCSCOS Point system/rubric Break the task into parts!
What does it mean to have clear and concise notation?
: Use the Rubrics that you created and give justification for a final grade. : Share your samples with the group. Does it need to be modified or are any changes needed?
2nd- Collect 50 cents money, cubes, dice coins, Melissa can get coins. 3rd grade - make a dollar coin cards/ * Suzanne and mention chocolate 4th grade - changing to 10,000 5th Grade - making 7,500 Modifications to the game sheet.