Welcome to the RWA Bristol’s First and Finest Art Gallery…
England’s only regional Academy of Art – a space where art is both made and displayed Showcases the best of British art, past and present Supported by, and supporting the work of its Academician artist members
Forward Plan…re-branding the RWA Diversifying our audience
HLF Project – Great Spaces Inspire
Improvements to… Archive storage and documentation Climate controls Conservation of key works
‘…a comprehensive and meaningful programme of activities…delivering outstanding engagement for a wide variety of participants.’
The RWA Art Wall and Art Trolley
Attracting visitors of all ages…
Intergenerational Workshops…
Gallery-based activities for all… Scribble and Sketch Exhibition Trails Drawing Lab
Schools’ Workshops Gallery based and outreach sessions
Boat Project Collaboration with Cotham and Cathedral Choir Schools Partnership with My Future My Choice
The project launch happened at the end…
Working with vulnerable young people Creating art from adversity
Our Many Faces
Art + Power Creative Challenges
Creative Gym Twilight Tuesdays
BME Groups at the RWA Jamaica Rising Launch 2014 Poetry Dance Discussion
Jamaican poet Richard ‘Dingo’ Dingwall and Dr Madhu Krishnan, U o B English Faculty
Presentation about Jamaican Pulse exhibition proposal
Jamaican Pulse: Art & Politics from Jamaica and the Diaspora RWA Summer 2016
Reappraisal of and re- engagement with Jamaican art An international exhibition and a local conversation Generating pride in Jamaican art amongst British- Caribbean communities Jayson Keeling The Kingdom of Heaven is Within (2009) Glitter on Canvas
Exhibition themes include: State: Jamaican political system, colonialism, corruption… Social: Religion, class race, identity… Interpersonal: Gender, sexuality, family… Music: Fashion, language, sub- cultures… Environment: Food, pollution, wildlife… Kimani Beckford B.I.B (2014)
Engagement Schools and Young People Holiday Workshops (transition events) Arts Award projects (CYN) Artist workshops for emerging artists Performing Arts workshops
Other engagement: Interdisciplinary symposium Artist talks and public debates Spoken word events Caribbean themed performances Volunteer training programme Leasho Johnson Lost at Sea 2 (2012) Mixed Media on canvas
Afidance (schools’ engagement) Ujima Radio (call-in discussions) Easton Community Centre (artist-led workshops…) Bluecoat Gallery, Liverpool (performances, talks workshops)
Impact and Legacy Enhanced awareness and appreciation of Jamaican art Publication of exhibition book (dissemination of research) CPD of curators and producers Reportage of symposium etc Continued relationship with new partners, eg Easton Community Centre Jodie Lyn-Kee-Chow, The Presence of Our Absence (Bird Series) (2012) Installation
Impact and Legacy Development of teaching resources Creation of RWA Young Peoples’ Panel to include BME members Addition of art works to RWA collection Relationship building with Bluecoat gallery, Jamaican and Bristol universities (curatorial and artistic exchanges)
Wish you were here..?