Welcome to Artincloud24.com information pack it contains the following pages. 1. Why our website? 2. What does it cost? 3. How to get the best results? 4. Selling tips 5. Art exhibitions & fairs 6. Contact details
Why our website A web site that is designed to give you the artist the opportunity to display your art. For the majority of artists getting displayed in a gallery is very difficult. With us its easy see how overleaf. Studios and/or gallery’s charge a commission on the sale of the art. We don’t. The benefit of displaying on this website is that it can be seen anywhere in the world. If you have other avenues for your art no problem taking space with us increases your opportunity to sell your art.
What does it cost To celebrate the opening of our website we are forgoing our fee of R50.00 per piece of art per month. This offer is subject to a maximum of two pieces. Additional pieces will be at standard rate. This opening offer is until the end of February. WE DO NOT CHARGE ANY COMMISION JUST THE FLAT FEE. When we receive an interest in your work we will forward the details of the interested party to you. If you sell your art or wish to change it for another piece feel free to do so following the publishing guide above.
How to get the best result for your art If you would like to see artwork on our website. Please send a photo of each individual piece. With each entry please include your name, contact details, name of artwork, actual size in mm, selling price and the medium used. Keep image sizes reasonable. Send images no larger than 100K-250K, preferably smaller. If for you that is difficult we have digital imaging programs that have formatting options to reduce image sizes without significantly compromising their quality. On our website we use a standard size thumbnail with the facility to increase to a much larger size at the touch of a mouse. This allows more images on a page without causing the person viewing to wait if they have a slow connection. Think seriously about the title. Keep it brief and unique. Keep in mind that Google and other search engines cannot search images, but they can search text. Try to name your art distinctively so that it increases the chances that it'll come up in online searches, be seen, and hopefully sold. To repeat-- image pages with no text will not come up in online searches.
Selling tips Offer approval, return and refund policies. Online art shoppers may want to see art on approval first and be able to return it for complete refunds (less shipping costs) if it doesn't look like they thought it did when they saw it online. No approval, return or refund policies mean fewer sales. The more willing you are to work with buyers, the greater your chances of selling art. FYI, in conversations that I've had with people who sell art online, very few people return it once they buy. Provide clear concise instructions on how to buy. Tell people what payment options you accept (accept as many as possible), how you pack, how you ship, how long they have to view the art on approval, and so on. The more professional you appear, the more comfortable people feel about buying from you.
If you are aware of any art fairs /exhibitions that you would like us to include in our website then please provide details.
For more details please contact