Lesson 2 – Disarmament
Review goals of NPT treaty. Compare different types of weapons. Identify key treaties regulating nuclear arsenals. Describe Obama‘s nuclear policy & goals.
What are the goals of the NPT? Non-Proliferation Disarmament Fair Access for Peaceful Use
Nuclear States & Arsenals Nuclear States & Arsenals NWS (Big 5) Non-signers (Israel, India, Pakistan) Quitters (NK) Non-compliers? (Iran) Spread NNWS (Iran, Syria) Terrorism Black market/theft Weakened States
Iran Agrees To Give up 97% enriched U stockpile Cut centrifuges 2/3rds Vast inspections No new facilities 15 y US/EU Agree To Lift sanctions once confirmed
Bomb Fuel (Enriched U / Pu) Atomic Bomb – Fission – atoms split releasing energy Hydrogen / Thermonuclear Bomb- Fission & Fusion – atoms join releasing energy Fuel +Warhead + Delivery System = BOOM!
Missiles deliver conventional or nuclear warheads No treaties to regulate Ballistic Missiles – enter atmosphere Cruise Missiles – fly closer to ground Tactical – short range missiles IRBM Tactical ~3,500 mile target “Pershing Missiles” Strategic – longer range missiles Triad (bombers, ICBM, SLBM) SLBM “Poseidon / Trident” ICBM Move 20K mph, Target 9K miles “Minutemen / MX” US fixed site, USSR mobile launchers ABM/ BMD Destroy offensive missiles in space… National Missile Defense Systems National Missile Defense Systems
US & Russia possess ~95% total global arsenal. Since 1963 have worked to stop proliferation & reduce arsenals (most of the time!)
Testing LTBT – 1963 – space, underH20, atmosphere CTBT – 1996 – adds underground (US NOT RATIFIED) Proliferation NPT (1968) SORT (2002) – Prevent spread to terrorists
Disarmament SALT I – 1972 – (No) AMB Treaty, Freeze strategic # SALT II – 1979 – Reduce strategic, Limit # warheads INF – 1987 – Eliminate IRBM (E/W Euro) START I /START II– 1991/93 – Reduce strategic (10K- 6K-3K) SORT – 2002 – Limit # deployed warheads New START – 2010 – Reduce # weapons (1500K) & triad launchers by 50%
Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) Prague Speech April 2009 Prague Speech Prevent nuclear terrorism Prevent proliferation Reduce role nukes in US defense Continued reduction w/Russia No new weapons dvpt Moving toward “Nuclear Zero”Nuclear Zero
Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecidedOpposeStrongly Oppose Preventing the spread of nuclear weapons should be our most important foreign policy. Deterrence can effectively protect the US against attack by other states. Nuclear weapons can actually reduce the likelihood of war. A nuclear war cannot be won, and should never be fought. The challenges of nuclear weapons can be addressed only through international cooperation. The US should never accept international agreements that limit our ability to develop and test nuclear weapons. We should modernize our nuclear weapons stockpiles and develop new “mini nukes” for use during limited war. We should continue to develop a national missile defense system to protect us from smaller attacks The US should lead by example and be the first nation to reach “Zero”
Identify and describe the goals of three of the disarmament negotiations discussed today.
What should our nuclear weapons policy look like? Should we keep nuclear weapons as an essential part of our security strategy? Or is nuclear zero the path to pursue?